Hi This is sunil…
i am new to ruby technology…
can anyone tel which IDE is good for running ruby programs…
Best would be Netbeans or Eclipse , no doubt .
But both are so slow on my recently bought machine ( Intel Core 2 Duo ,
nVidia 9600 1 GB , 4 GB RAM , Windows Vista ) thats its of no practical
use . FTP hangs in between , SVN hangs here-and-there , God knows .
For Eclipse i used SVN Connector ( Polarion something ) , for DB I used
DTP . All are buggy and slow .
Previously I left Netbeans(Eclipse) in favour of UltraEdit because I had
an Old Machine ( AMD Athlon , 1 GB RAM , nVidia 5200 128 MB ) . But now
with 5 GB Memory at disposal , Netbeans and Eclipse are still slow .
They are , as someone will argue meant for Enterprise Projects or some
shit like that . So leave them for them and go for UltraEdit ( UEStudio
) . It integrates seamlessly with Tortoise SVN , FTP and SSH is built-in
. Loads fast . Has Syntax Highlighting for Ruby , HTMl , Javascript etc
UEStudio ( Ultraedit ) works great for Windows . It is primarily
focussed towards PHP and Ruby .
Linux Users like me probably know what they are doing
Theres plethora . Best would be Scite or gEdit . gEdit comes by default
with Fedora and Ubuntu and has Syntax highlighting for Ruby .
For Mac , Use Textmate
Again , Netbeans comes for all OS’s . You can try it ( or Eclipse ) .
But , I threw my hands up in frustration and came back to UEStudio (
Ultraedit ) .
Cheers !
I don’t agree the guy Tom.
For the testers, the efficient is quite important.
I recommend Netbeans6.7 ruby version.
Wesley C…
Sunil K. wrote:
Hi This is sunil…
i am new to ruby technology…
can anyone tel which IDE is good for running ruby programs…
May I recommend that you learn to run it from the command line. It’s not
at all hard.
I’ve done several IDE’s, and aside from the need to learn them, and
their bugs, they have the additional disadvantage of keeping you from
seeing what you’re really doing.
I’m an absolute amateur with Ruby, and always will be, I now run from
the command line, and use the ruby-debug gem (not yet available in ruby
1.9), and am completely pleased with what I can do. I would never go
back to an IDE. I simply don’t see any advantage at all.
Tom C., MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [email protected] >> (email)
<< TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< sleightmind.wordpress.com >> (mental health weblog)
How to use run ruby programs Eclipse…
i kw hw to run java programs in eclipse…
How run ruby programs in eclipse??
Hi Sunil
If you know Eclipse , Simply use this
Install Aptana Studio First . It is based on Eclipse .
Then if you know Eclipse then you install RadRails Plugin using
Plugin-Finder in Eclipse .
For Installing Ruby on Windows use the One-Click Installer
I created it Yesterday . Its for Ruby 1.9.l
See Below ,
Latest Ruby 1.9.1 One-Click Installer with No-Hassle Rails Installation
Filename : Ruby 1.9.1 One-Click Installer for Windows
Author : Rohit C.
Facebook URL : Facebook
Installation :
- Click to Install Ruby . Follow Instructions .
- To Install Ruby on Rails framework , Open Command Prompt in Windows
and type “gem install rails” .
3)To Uninstall Ruby , Go to Control Panel → Uninstall
Find Ruby with the Red “Ruby ICON”
Click on Uninstall Button
Download Here
On 7/20/09, Tom C. [email protected] wrote:
seeing what you’re really doing.
Amen (and even more so for beginners)
the command line, and use the ruby-debug gem (not yet available
in ruby
Seems you are running an old version here, I happen to have good news
536/49 > cat test1.rb && ruby -vrdebug test1.rb
puts 42
ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i686-linux]
Emacs support available.
test1.rb:1:puts 42
(rdb:1) help
Debugger help v.-0.002b
b[reak] [file:|class:]<line|method>
b[reak] [class.]<line|method>
set breakpoint to some position
wat[ch] set watchpoint to some expression
cat[ch] (|off) set catchpoint to an exception
b[reak] list breakpoints
cat[ch] show catchpoint
del[ete][ nnn] delete some or all breakpoints
disp[lay] add expression into display expression list
undisp[lay][ nnn] delete one particular or all display
c[ont] run until program ends or hit breakpoint
s[tep][ nnn] step (into methods) one line or till line
n[ext][ nnn] go over one line or till line nnn
w[here] display frames
f[rame] alias for where
l[ist][ (-|nn-mm)] list program, - lists backwards
nn-mm lists given lines
up[ nn] move to higher frame
down[ nn] move to lower frame
fin[ish] return to outer frame
tr[ace] (on|off) set trace mode of current thread
tr[ace] (on|off) all set trace mode of all threads
q[uit] exit from debugger
v[ar] g[lobal] show global variables
v[ar] l[ocal] show local variables
v[ar] i[nstance] show instance variables of object
v[ar] c[onst] show constants of object
m[ethod] i[nstance] show methods of object
m[ethod] <class|module> show instance methods of class or module
th[read] l[ist] list all threads
th[read] c[ur[rent]] show current thread
th[read] [sw[itch]] switch thread context to nnn
th[read] stop stop thread nnn
th[read] resume resume thread nnn
p expression evaluate expression and print its value
h[elp] print this help
(rdb:1) quit
Really quit? (y/n) y
cat test1.rb && ruby -vrdebug test1.rb
require ‘debug’
a = 41
@a = 42
ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i686-linux]
Emacs support available.
test1.rb:1:require ‘debug’
(rdb:1) s
test1.rb:2: a = 41
(rdb:1) v l
a => nil
(rdb:1) s
test1.rb:3:@a = 42
(rdb:1) v l
a => 41
(rdb:1) quit
Really quit? (y/n) y
Toutes les grandes personnes ont d’abord été des enfants, mais peu
d’entre elles s’en souviennent.
All adults have been children first, but not many remember.
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]
Me and a few colleagues of mine are loving RubyMine, having recently
switched from NetBeans.
Roderick van Domburg
I installed Eclipse in my computer…
Nw am trying to run one ruby program. but it showing error called…
"An error occurred while trying to launch a ruby application
There is no currently no ruby interpret defined, Use performance to
define and select the active interpret"…
I second on Netbeans and the sentiment IDEs. They become very
important once you start work with Rails.
(If not an IDE, at least a good Editor that supports Ruby very well. I
would recommend Komodo editor, Emacs (for Linux/Mac) or TextMate).
Rilindo F. wrote:
I second on Netbeans and the sentiment IDEs. They become very
important once you start work with Rails.(If not an IDE, at least a good Editor that supports Ruby very well. I
would recommend Komodo editor, Emacs (for Linux/Mac) or TextMate).
You dont have actual Ruby Language ( Interpretor ) installed
Install this ,
Not sure though
Rohit C. wrote:
Rilindo F. wrote:
I second on Netbeans and the sentiment IDEs. They become very
important once you start work with Rails.(If not an IDE, at least a good Editor that supports Ruby very well. I
would recommend Komodo editor, Emacs (for Linux/Mac) or TextMate).You dont have actual Ruby Language ( Interpretor ) installed
Install this ,
Not sure though
Need to select an Interpretor in Settings .
Like you use “java.exe -jar abcxyz.jar” to run Java Programs .
Ruby programs are run like “ruby.exe abcxyz.rb”
So , actual Interpretor ( or the Entry point to Interpretor ) should be
selected in Eclipse Settings
Okay, first of all, what is your programming background? Are you used
to running programs from the commandline/shell or from an editor/IDE?
Second, to echo Rohit, do you have Ruby installed at all?
IDEs are good if you have experience in programming, but for this
iteration, I think you should follow Tom’s advice and start off from
the command-line.
Thank you very much, Its running nw…
i downloaded one ruby project called chilkatRuby,its project or wat??? .
how to deploy this project in eclipse??
Out of curiosity, I downloaded RubyMine. Looks good (I’ll have to test
it on my work laptop to see if it’ll work well, since Netbeans on that
machine is a sloth), except that my needs require that my IDE supports
Perl/Python, among other things.
A most effective facility I have found is to be able to edit vertically.
tabs → Spaces, indent.
you can use vim, gedit, emacs undder Linux system.
and if u want to use IDE , u can use Komodo Geany and many IDE contains
ruby.exmaple(Anjuta, Kdevelop)
the Komodo can setup on Windows.
Thank you very much, Its running nw…
i downloaded one ruby project called chilkatRuby,its project or wat??? .
how to deploy this project in eclipse??ng
Sunil K. [email protected] writes:
Hi This is sunil…
i am new to ruby technology…
can anyone tel which IDE is good for running ruby programs…
Emacs (Carbon Emacs if on OSX) with ruby-mode.el, inf-ruby.el,