I’m trying to use ruby in Cygwin (my own Ruby installation of 1.9.2, not
the version that comes with Cygwin).
However, entering ‘irb’/‘ruby’/‘gem’ or whatever doesn’t work off the
bat, and I get an
c:\Ruby192\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory –
From this post:
it looks like I need to add an alias to my bash_profile. So I did:
alias irb=‘/cygdrive/c/Ruby192/bin/irb.bat’
alias ruby=‘/cygdrive/c/Ruby192/bin/ruby.exe’
alias gem=‘/cygdrive/c/Ruby192/bin/gem.bat’
However, irb/ruby still don’t work (although gem does). I get a slightly
different error:
: No such file or directoryin/irb.bat
If I run the alias on my own, though, it works fine.
What do I need to do be able to just type ‘irb’ and ‘ruby’ in cygwin
(without using cygwin’s installation)?