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How to Trigger Emails in Rails
Emails in Rails If you want to send emails in Rails, you can use the Mailer class. The Mailer class is a wrapper around the Action Mailer gem. Here's a simple example: class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer def welcome_email(user) @user = user mail(to:, subject: 'Welcome to My Awesome Site') end end You can…
How to Implement Redis in Rails
Redis in Rails Let's check how to implement Redis in Rails. Redis is a fast, open-source, key-value database. It's perfect for storing things like session data, cached database queries, and other bits of information that need to be accessed quickly. There are a few different Ruby libraries that you can use to connect to a Redis server.…
How to Implement WebSockets in Rails
WebSockets in Rails In this tutorial we will learn how to implement WebSockets in Rails. WebSocket is a communication protocol that makes it possible to create real-time applications. The WebSocket protocol was designed to work on top of the existing HTTP protocol, and it enables full-duplex (two-way) communication between a client and a server. The…
Different Ways to Use Require in Ruby
Require in Ruby Require in Ruby is a top-level method that loads other files and libraries into your project. It's a popular method because it gives you access to the many existing Ruby libraries, making development much faster. require "some_file.rb" You usually put the stuff you require at the top of your file, but that's not required. Putting a slash…
How to Use Dynamic Routes in Rails
Dynamic Routes in Rails With dynamic routes in Rails, you can specify placeholder values in your routes that will be filled in by the parameters passed to your controller actions. For example, let's say you have a controller action that displays a user's profile page. The profile page will have the user's name, email, and other information. To…
How to use Rake tasks in Ruby
Rake tasks in Ruby This tutorial will teach us how to create Rake tasks in Ruby. Rake is a build tool written in Ruby. It's similar to Make but much simpler and has a much smaller learning curve. How to install Rake If you are using RubyGems, you can install Rake using this command: gem install rake Once the installation is…
How to implement Serializers in Rails
Serializers in Rails In this article, you will learn how to use Serializers in Rails. Suppose you are working on a Ruby project that communicates with other systems (like a web API). In that case, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to serialize and deserialize objects to and from JSON (or XML) format. This…