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Deep Dive Into Ruby Modules and Mixins
Ruby Modules and Mixins Ruby, known for its simplicity and efficiency, offers various tools and resources, adding a layer of flexibility to the coding environment. Among these tools are Ruby Modules and Mixins. This article will explore these functionalities in detail while providing real-world examples demonstrating their use cases. Understanding Ruby Modules Primarily used as a…
Advanced Ruby Programming Topics
In this article, we'll dive deep into more advanced Ruby programming topics, such as metaprogramming, concurrency, and available programming. Metaprogramming in Ruby Metaprogramming is the ability to write code that writes code. Metaprogramming is a powerful technique in Ruby that allows developers to generate and modify code at runtime dynamically. This can be useful in…
How to Solve N+1 Query Issues in Ruby
query Issues in Ruby If you want to solve N+1 query issues in Ruby, you need to use the ActiveRecord#eager_load or ActiveRecord#includes methods. # without eager loading posts = Post.all posts.each do |post| puts end # with eager loading posts = Post.includes(:user) posts.each do |post| puts end The ActiveRecord#includes method will eagerly load the associations (in this case, the user association).…