I am trying to validate uploads on an application where the uploaded
file is a zipped archive, and I want some validation to include
acceptable datestamps within the zipfile,
When I open a zip, with invalid datestamp, I receive the console
‘Invalid date/time in zip entry’
Which is great, but I want to be able to extract this information and
use it to reject the upload, but I can’t seem to find a method which
will allow me to extract this information from the zip.
Does anybody know of a method I can use which will return the date/
time stamp of the zip file, or return the Rescue statement above if
is invalid?
Which is great, but I want to be able to extract this information and
use it to reject the upload, but I can’t seem to find a method which
will allow me to extract this information from the zip.
Does anybody know of a method I can use which will return the date/
time stamp of the zip file
but I am still having the same problems - I am trying to use the
methods (mtime etc) to access the timestamp information that is
initially being returned as the rescue statement ‘Invalid date/time in
zip entry’
What exactly is it that’s returning that statement?
All I need to do is be able to access this ‘invalid date/time’ entry,
but none of the ‘time’ methods seem to return this.
I’m sure they don’t. If, as I suspect, you’re getting that message when
you use ‘unzip’ from the command line, that message is coming from
that specific program.
I would imagine you’ll have to write your own method to examine the
timestamps of the files in the zip and decide whether they meet your
criteria for “invalid”.
but I am still having the same problems - I am trying to use the
methods (mtime etc) to access the timestamp information that is
initially being returned as the rescue statement ‘Invalid date/time in
zip entry’
All I need to do is be able to access this ‘invalid date/time’ entry,
but none of the ‘time’ methods seem to return this.
This message is only shown upon opening the zip file - is there a time
method I can use on the zip itself, rather than on the contents which
might show me the invalid timestamp?
I had the same problem; in my case it arose from treating the file
reference returned from Zip::ZipFile.each{} as a string (like
Dir.each{}) instead of whatever it actually is. Add “.name” where you
need the file name. This code gave the error:
The line of output is acutally in the rubyzip.rb file itself, line 584
def set_time(binaryDosDate, binaryDosTime) @time = Time.parse_binary_dos_format(binaryDosDate,
rescue ArgumentError
puts “Invalid date/time in zip entry”
The Timestamp in the Zip file, is causing the rescue statement to be
output after the file has been opened, but I would like to be able to
‘catch’ this if at all possible,
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