Zerenity 1.0

= Zerenity Changelog
== 1.0

  • Added significant unit testing and code coverage testing.
    == 0.9
  • Added a :password option to the Entry dialog. When set to true it will
    treat the text entry like a password entry and replaces the characters
    entered with a ‘*’.
    == 0.8
  • Initial release.

= Zerenity

== Version

== Author
Farrel L. http://www.lifson.info http://www.aimred.com

== Synopsis
Zerenity is an almost clone of
{Zenity}[Best Open Source Mac Software Development Software 2023] for Ruby. It allows for
the easy creation of simple graphical dialogs from a Ruby script.

== Features
Zerenity allows for the creation of the following dialogs

  • Date selection
  • Text entry
  • Error display
  • File/directory selection
  • Information display
  • List display and selection
  • Progress display
  • Question display
  • Text information display and editing
  • Warning display

== Dependencies
Zerenity requires {GTK2}[http://www.gtk.org] and

== Installation
Zerenity is avaiable as a Ruby gem. Links to the latest release can be
found at http://www.aimred.com/files/projects/zerenity.

The code is also available via it’s Subversion repository at

== Example Usage
=== User Input and Display
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘zerenity’

if (name = Zerenity::Entry(:text=>“What is your name?”))
Zerenity::Info(:text=>“Hello #{name}”)
puts “No name entered”

=== Progress
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘zerenity’

fileList = filesToProcess(folder)
Zerenity::Progress(:text=>‘Processing files’,:autoClose=>true) do
fileList.each_index do |file,index|

== License
Zerenity is released under the BSD license.

== Copyright
(c) 2006 Farrel L.

Farrel L. wrote:

= Zerenity Changelog
== 1.0

  • Added significant unit testing and code coverage testing.
    == 0.9
  • Added a :password option to the Entry dialog. When set to true it will
    treat the text entry like a password entry and replaces the characters
    entered with a ‘*’.
    == 0.8
  • Initial release.

= Zerenity

== Version

== Author
Farrel L. http://www.lifson.info http://www.aimred.com

== Synopsis
Zerenity is an almost clone of
{Zenity}[Best Open Source Mac Software Development Software 2023] for Ruby. It allows for
the easy creation of simple graphical dialogs from a Ruby script.


Is there any way to have be the same as pressing ‘OK’ (without
selecting it, I mean)? So you could just type in some text in a textbox
and press enter.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Thanks for the suggestion, never thought it, I’ll put it in the next


Go Farrel!
Yay SA!

Thanks for the work!


Farrel L. wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Thanks for the suggestion, never thought it, I’ll put it in the next


Awesome! Thanks!
