Not started a Rails project from scratch for a while so I’m curious…
What are your “always in” plugins etc that you’d use for a new Rails
Guess some people use templates for this task?
Not after a battle about why devise is better than
restful_authentication or
whatever, just keen to know what’s new. Been out the loop for a while.
With thanks
Haml (including Sass and maybe Compass), RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic,
Machinist, fast_gettext. Pickle might get added to that list, and I’ll
probably try Devise and Cancan at some point. But those are the
essential set.
whatever, just keen to know what’s new. Been out the loop for a while.
With thanks
Haml (including Sass and maybe Compass), RSpec, Cucumber, Authlogic,
Machinist, fast_gettext. Pickle might get added to that list, and I’ll
probably try Devise and Cancan at some point. But those are the
essential set.
I’d add will_paginate, fastercsv, settingslogic, and nokogiri to that
list. Seems no matter what I start, those always end up in there at
some point.
Ruby Toolbox is a neat site that will show you whats available for doing
various things and how popular they are…
devise and that’s it for me. With Rails 3, engines are the new thing
and everything I need to keep in an application, is now a part of my
Devise is one of the best authentication systems I’ve found around.
Very clean and modular.
For permissions/authorizations I developed my own system which is a
bitfields permission system. I used to use cancan, but it lacked what I
needed and that was a way to assign authorization to any object within
my application.
No, I looked into all of that. With bitfields I can add authorization
to “anything”. It’s very fast too and I’ve spent a lot of times working
with it since my days as a developer with vbulletin products.
devise and that’s it for me. With Rails 3, engines are the new thing
and everything I need to keep in an application, is now a part of my
Devise is one of the best authentication systems I’ve found around.
Very clean and modular.
For permissions/authorizations I developed my own system which is a
bitfields permission system. I used to use cancan, but it lacked what I
needed and that was a way to assign authorization to any object within
my application.
rails-authorization will do this, if I understand your use case
correctly. I’d avoid bitfields myself.
Thanks for the suggestions all… gives me a few new angles to
The Ruby Toolbox site looks really interesting.
HAML/SASS I’m comfortable with but I wasn’t aware of the Grid/Blueprint
I don’t want to get into a war here, but the reason I don’t use anything
like 960grid or Blueprint is that I believe that kind of fixed-width
design is great for print, but completely inappropriate for the Web.
I’m a big believer in liquid, degradable layouts – IMHO if you need to
say “best viewed at 1024 x 768”, you’ve already failed quite badly.
That said, if you do need to use one of those frameworks, I highly
recommend using Compass to get the extra abstraction that CSS alone
can’t give you. Otherwise you’ll wind up with lots of
presentation-based classes, which is a poor way to structure your CSS.