Your best Project

What is you personal best app/project you have made.
I’m just trying to figure out how far I can go in Ruby.
Suggestions are very welcome thank you <3

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 12:15, Mathew S. [email protected]

What is you personal best app/project you have made.

In Rails, the best one I’ve put out for public use would be The
Decider ( Without Rails, I haven’t
done much I can show, other than Conway’s Game of Life with the twist
that it will work in any positive number of dimensions (see my Github
profile at davearonson (Dave Aronson) · GitHub for two versions), and a
bunch of katas (at just for practice.

But mind you, I’m still pretty much an “advanced beginner”. These are
illustrations of what an advanced beginner can do, and the gurus here
will doubtless have much more impressive projects they can show you.

I’m just trying to figure out how far I can go in Ruby.

As far as you want. There are many well-known web sites running on
Rails, and other Ruby-based web frameworks. Anybody know any famous
things running Ruby behind the scenes, but without a Ruby web front


Thats what I don’t get how and what do I do with rails I would like to
know if I can make a program like a music player like Pandora? Still
unclear about it all

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 13:40, Mathew S. [email protected]

Thats what I don’t get how and what do I do with rails I would like to
know if I can make a program like a music player like Pandora? Still
unclear about it all

Oh! There is a better place to ask about Rails things, the
rubyonrails-talk Google group, at Meanwhile, to give
you a taste of what Rails can do, check out these lists of well known
sites built with RoR:

50 of the Best Websites Developed Using Ruby on Rails — The Matchbox

If Rails can power Hulu, it can certainly power Pandora. Any web site
you can imagine, you can probably do with Rails – though if you get
huge amounts of traffic, there may be better solutions for
