I had a list of points. Many points. Too many points. It had to
be reduced, in order for my GPS to be able to store it. 250
points, max.
One of the algorithms I came up with, looked for “the worst
point”, removed it and started over again. Until the list was
short enough. It’s a clean algorithm and not hard to implement.
Determining the “worst point” involves a lot of creating lines
to neighboring points, calculating cross products, calculating
angles, comparing angles and a lot of other expensive stuff.
It was slow. Very slow. Of course it was. Search the list,
shorten it by one element and search the list again. Sounds
like 99% of the work in an iteration is already done in the
previous iteration. To avoid this, we can a. alter the
algorithm, or b. add a cache to the points.
I decided to add the cache to keep the algorithm clean. (I was
still tinkering with it. For result, not speed.) But I didn’t
want to pollute the “business classes” either, just for
speeding up this particular algorithm. Asking a point to
calculate the angle by giving it two points, with
“Point#angle(p1,p2)”, sounds reasonable. But what’s the meaning
of “Point@angle”? By not storing the result of a method call,
we avoid side-effects and keep the algorithm pure functional.
That’s a good thing.
We could use “memoize” or “once” to cache the result of a
method call, but that pollutes the class Point, while we only
want to add the cache to the objects involved in this
particular algorithm, not to all instances of the class. Okay,
we could apply memoize on specific objects with
“point.extend(Memoize).memoize(:angle)”, but how can we “undo”
this memoization in order to get rid of the burden of the cache
after we’ve finished our reducing-algorithm?
Is there another way to do it? Well, yes, there is.
points = points.collect{|point| Cache::Cache.cache(point)}
This replaces every point in the list with a Cache object. This
cache object is catches every call to a method of a point (as
in “business methods”, not Object.instance_methods, on purpose)
and uses its @cache and @real_object to return the proper
The Cache objects are a kind of “delegators-with-cache”.
After our algorithm has finished, we want to get rid of these
Cache objects. That’s easy:
points = points.collect{|point| Cache::Cache.un_cache(point)}
In short: Don’t change the business classes, don’t change the
algorithm. Just add one line before the algorithm and one line
after the algorithm. That’s it.
The implementation is easy. In my particular situation, the
speed is more than doubled. Not bad for such a simple thing.
I don’t pretend that this will work in every situation, but it
worked for me. It’s a solution for my problem, not the
solution for any problem.
I just wanted to share… Ruby is fun… ;]
Erik V. - http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/
PS: Proposal for Ruby Q.: An algorithm for reducing GPS
tracks or Google Earth routes in order to be able to use
them as routes.
module Cache
class Cache
def initialize(real_object)
@real_object = real_object
@cache = {}
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
# Not thread-safe! Speed is important in caches... ;]
@cache[[method_name, args, block]] ||=
@real_object.send(method_name, *args, &block)
def self.cache(real_object)
def self.un_cache(cached_object)
class Foo
def bar(n)
puts “Calculating… (Very expensive!)”
foo = Foo.new
puts foo.class
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)
foo = Cache::Cache.cache(foo)
puts foo.class
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)
foo = Cache::Cache.un_cache(foo)
puts foo.class
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)
puts foo.bar(7)
puts foo.bar(8)