With YARV 0.4 out, I ran the benchmark suite and got some
interesting results. These are of course non-real-world
results (those typically vary between 2-4 times faster)
but I would be interested in seeing architechture differences.
Overall, in my case YARV executed the same code in 59.3% of
the time ruby took on it or in other words, a bit over half
again faster. The few other people I spoke to showed times
anywhere between 40-60%.
There were some tests that YARV was actually slower in.
Exception handling, Integer#times loops, threading and
some recursion is still a bit behind (in these tests
YARV is at YARV: Yet Another Ruby VM
— Results ------------------------------------------------
(The ones where YARV is slower marked with *'s.)
ruby yarv
---- ----
app_answer 1.971 0.328
app_factorial 0.057 0.544 *
app_fib 11.914 4.546
app_mandelbrot 3.749 2.113
app_pentomino 151.232 134.332
app_raise 2.224 3.232 *
app_strconcat 2.128 1.853
app_tak 15.227 5.573
app_tarai 11.761 4.473
loop_times 6.419 17.455 *
loop_whileloop 17.166 7.461
loop_whileloop2 3.389 1.507
so_ackermann 2.106 6.085 *
so_array 11.575 10.383
so_concatenate 3.116 3.336 *
so_count_words 2.921 0.861
so_exception 4.488 4.608 *
so_lists 2.208 1.167
so_matrix 3.058 2.262
so_nested_loop 9.133 12.835 *
so_object 9.499 10.440 *
so_random 3.161 1.820
so_sieve 1.166 0.488
vm1_block 38.336 13.484
vm1_const 30.782 9.581
vm1_ensure 28.041 7.547
vm1_length 33.102 14.533
vm1_rescue 22.668 8.751
vm1_simplereturn 35.084 12.274
vm1_swap 37.236 9.112
vm2_array 10.348 6.022
vm2_method 22.362 8.369
vm2_poly_method 29.600 10.360
vm2_poly_method_ov 7.687 3.456
vm2_proc 11.107 9.039
vm2_regexp 6.932 4.406
vm2_send 7.252 6.162
vm2_super 8.083 3.072
vm2_unif1 6.807 2.512
vm2_zsuper 8.985 3.294
vm3_thread_create_join 0.020 0.149 *
Total: 624.100 369.825
— Versions ------------------------------------------------
ruby 2.0.0 (Base: Ruby 1.9.0 2006-02-14) [x86_64-freebsd6.0]
YARVCore 0.4.0 Rev: 466 (2006-02-22) [opts: ]
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [amd64-freebsd6]
— Machine -------------------------------------------------
FreeBSD yawn.magical-cat.org 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #0: Thu Jan
5 16:29:48 EST 2006
[email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LAPTOP amd64
(1.8GHz, 512MiB)