

Is yaml supposed to be working atm because when I try it, it definitely
some weird things. When I run the tests there is one test that fails the

And this is my test.

require ‘yaml’
=> true

$t = {:one => “one val”, :two => { :nested_first => “nested val” } }
=> {:one=>“one val”, :two=>{:nested_first=>“nested val”}}

$y = YAML::dump $t
=> “\n— !ruby/object:Hash\n!ruby/object:Symbol :one:
one val\n!ruby/object:Symbol :two: !ruby/obje
ct:Hash\n !ruby/object:Symbol :nested_first: !ruby/object:String nested

$r = YAML::load $y
=> #Ruby::StandardLibrary::Yaml::PrivateType:0x000005c

$r == $t
=> false

:0:in Initialize': undefined local variable or method[]’ for
by::StandardLibrary::Yaml::PrivateType (NoMethodError)

YAML support currently does what it needs to do in order to run Rails.
Beyond that, all bets are off ☺.

Let the flow of bug reports commence!

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ivan Porto
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:33 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ironruby-core] YAML


Is yaml supposed to be working atm because when I try it, it definitely
does some weird things. When I run the tests there is one test that
fails the yamlorg_refcard.yml.

And this is my test.

require ‘yaml’
=> true
$t = {:one => “one val”, :two => { :nested_first => “nested val” } }
=> {:one=>“one val”, :two=>{:nested_first=>“nested val”}}
$y = YAML::dump $t
=> “\n— !ruby/object:Hash\n!ruby/object:Symbol :one:
!ruby/object:String one val\n!ruby/object:Symbol :two: !ruby/obje
ct:Hash\n !ruby/object:Symbol :nested_first: !ruby/object:String nested
$r = YAML::load $y
=> #Ruby::StandardLibrary::Yaml::PrivateType:0x000005c
$r == $t
=> false
:0:in Initialize': undefined local variable or method []’ for
by::StandardLibrary::Yaml::PrivateType (NoMethodError)

You’ve asked for it :slight_smile:
I’ll be on IronRuby from now until sunday so I’ll probably be sending a
couple more emails over the next couple of days :slight_smile:

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Curt H. [email protected]