I want to import and export something from a database, i use following
objects['plans'] = Plan.find :all, :conditions=>['do < ?', @date]
result = objects.to_yaml
objects = YAML::load file.read
so (if i am not wrong), the the objects array should be perfectly
reconstructed, but it consist instead of Plan instances, of something
else. When I call attribute, it throws:
undefined method `meno' for #<YAML::Object:0x3184414>
(meno is an attribute of Plan)
Please enlight this confusion. Here is few lines of exported file:
- !ruby/object:Plan
do: “2007-05-31”
firma: Kovstav
meno: "Novy "
id: “6”
od: “2007-05-01”
And here is objects[element].inspect, after reconstruction
#{“do”=>“2007-05-31”, “meno”=>“Novy”, “firma”=>“Kovstav”, “id”=>“6”,