Yahns 1.3.1 -_- (BUGFIX) sleepy app server for Ruby

A Free Software, multi-threaded, non-blocking network application server
designed for low idle power consumption. It is primarily optimized
for applications with occasional users which see little or no traffic.
yahns currently hosts Rack/HTTP applications, but may eventually support
other application types. Unlike some existing servers, yahns is
extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the applications it hosts.


fix large response corruption

This release contains a major bug fix noticeable on FreeBSD VMs, but
should affect Linux systems making large responses which require
output buffering, too.

  • test_server: avoid multiple workers for dead parent check
  • wbuf: avoid corrupted large responses with zero-copy sendfile

Please note the disclaimer:

yahns is extremely sensitive to fatal bugs in the apps it hosts.
is no (and never will be) any built-in “watchdog”-type feature to kill
stuck processes/threads. Each yahns process may be handling thousands
of clients; unexpectedly killing the process will abort all of those
connections. Lives may be lost!

yahns hackers are not responsible for your application/library bugs.
Use an application server which is tolerant of buggy applications
if you cannot be bothered to fix all your fatal bugs.