XML parsing, block name with minus


I’m trying to parse a XML document (MusicXML), I found that here
something about it:

  • I chose Hpricot, but I have a problem: in XML document, which I’m
    trying to parse, there are names of blocks with minus sign, for
    example . In Hpricot it should looks something like

xml = File.read(path)
puts Benchmark.measure {
doc = Hpricot::XML(xml)
(doc/:score-partwise).each do |s|
# here we have s as each score-partwise block

But it throws undefined local variable or method `partwise’ for
#MusicxmlController:0xb6badff4, becouse in symbols names minus sign
is prohibited. How can I make a symbol name with minus sign?


On 19 Jul 2010, at 11:37, Szymon Przybył wrote:

is prohibited. How can I make a symbol name with minus sign?
Just use a string instead:


Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Szymon Przybył wrote:

But it throws undefined local variable or method `partwise’ for
#MusicxmlController:0xb6badff4, becouse in symbols names minus sign
is prohibited. How can I make a symbol name with minus sign?

Well, you can actually have any characters you like in a symbol name.
The :name syntax only works if the symbol name doesn’t contain “weird”
characters, but the following syntaxes will work regardless:


…or just use String#to_sym .

We are now well out of Rails territory and into basic Ruby, so further
discussion probably should go to the main Ruby list.



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]