XML file using Nokogiri gem

Hello friends,

Can you guys give me some idea about how to Create XML file using
Nokogiri gem.

Ghanshyam Rathod wrote:

Can you guys give me some idea about how to Create XML file using
Nokogiri gem.

I could be wrong, but isn’t Nokogiri used for parsing and searching XML?
I think you should be using Builder for creating XML documents:


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Robert W.
[email protected] wrote:

Ghanshyam Rathod wrote:

Can you guys give me some idea about how to Create XML file using
Nokogiri gem.

I could be wrong, but isn’t Nokogiri used for parsing and searching XML?
I think you should be using Builder for creating XML documents:

Nokogiri includes a builder mechanism, too. Here’s some example code

starting at line 56

Kete Project Lead

Walter McGinnis wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Robert W.
[email protected] wrote:

Ghanshyam Rathod wrote:

Can you guys give me some idea about how to Create XML file using
Nokogiri gem.

I could be wrong, but isn’t Nokogiri used for parsing and searching XML?
I think you should be using Builder for creating XML documents:

Nokogiri includes a builder mechanism, too. Here’s some example code

kete/lib/workers/excel_based_importer_worker.rb at master · kete/kete · GitHub

starting at line 56

Kete Project Lead

Hi cheers,

I m using Builder for Nokogiri (Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new).
But i m facing problem with displaying XML file in view.

see the code i have used http://pastie.org/663424.

Please give me guide for displaying XML file.

Ghanshyam Rathod wrote:

I m using Builder for Nokogiri (Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new).
But i m facing problem with displaying XML file in view.

see the code i have used http://pastie.org/663424.

Are you already using Nokogiri in other parts of your application? If
not then why force the dependency on it just to render that tiny bit of
XML? The built-in XML Builder would work just fine for that.


Please give me guide for displaying XML file.

Can you clarify? Do you mean that you’re having trouble rendering the
XML response? Displaying XML doesn’t make a lot of sense. Browsers
render HTML/XHTML not XML (well okay some browsers do as a convenience
for development, but that’s not intended for “normal” web use).