XML Element attributes


I’m trying to create an XML file of the following schema:

Some description text here Some description text here

And I only managed to accomplish the following schema:

July 12 2007 July 14 2007

Some description text here

July 20 2007 July 30 2007

Some description text here

using the following codes:

xml.instruct! :xml, :version=>“1.0”
for vac in @vacations
xml.event do
xml.start(vac.start_date.strftime"%B %d %Y" )
xml.end (vac.end_date.strftime"%B %d %Y" )

Can someone help point out how I may accomplish that? Having the
element in the format of
Some text here

Thank you in advance for your help.


I’m trying to create an XML file of the following schema:

Some description text here

you can pass the text of the tag as the first parameter and any
attributes as a hash.

xml.event ‘Some description text’, :start=>‘July 12 2007’, :end=>‘July
14 2007’


javier ramirez

It works great for me.
Thank you SO much Javier for your help.