WX GUI FFT sink on Raspberry Pi

Hi Jim,

You’ve made a great help, thank you. GnuRadio together with GRC runs now
my RPi, modules Sinks and Sources appeared on GRC module menu and I
build Gqrx as well, it also works. As a side issue I think RPi’s onboard
audio circuitry and/or audio drivers cause some incompatibility problems
GRC’s produced Python files are also problematical ( I appreciate your
comments on these problems, can pulseaudio helps? )

Regarding install process, your recommended procedure worked quite well
a few comments: First, I needed to install SWIG to activate Python
Second, my Gnuradio install directory was /usr instead of the default
expected /usr/local so I made Cmake with install prefix as "cmake …
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr " . I think adjusting Gnuradio install
to /usr/local during “sudo apt-get install gnuradio” process can be a
solution but I don’t know yet how to make it (I’ll search).

I have to state also another issue that may be important and should be
into consideration : Upon your first advise I added “deb
Index of /raspbian jessie main contrib
rpi” line to the /etc/apt/sources.list file. But afterwards I realized
there is an existing line same as the new one but with “wheezy”!
Considering that this may cause problems I had applied the full Jessie
install procedure explained here
jessie added to main raspbian archive - Raspberry Pi Forums before I
your recent recommendations. This took 2-3 hours operation and added
about 1
GB new files, probably slows the RPi and I am not sure whether it was
necessary or not. Today I will make a fresh Raspbian SD card and I’ll
again the full procedure from start but without installing full Jessie.

Keep in touch,

