class A
attr_accessor :id
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(id = nil, name = nil)
@id = id
@name = name
require ‘a’
a1 = => “test”)
a2 = => “test2”)
p a1
p a2
#<A:0x28c2d80 @id={:name=>“test”}, @name=nil>
#<A:0x28c2678 @id={:name=>“test2”}, @name=nil>
I expected:
#<A:0x28c2d80 @id=nil, @name=“test”>
#<A:0x28c2678 @id=nil, @name=“test2”>
So what nuby mistake am I making?
Jason Vogel wrote:
So what nuby mistake am I making?
Posting the same message six hours after receiving a raft of helpful
to the first copy of your message?
Okay, I have a couple of questions. If I use the Hash approach,
- How do I handle argument default values?
- How do I handle required vs. optional arguments?
- Provide some sort of clue to the calling routines what the argument
“names” are?
- Is there a way to enumerate the valid choices for values (e.g. colors
= [red,white,blue])
Sorry about the repost. Initially, I thought the original post went
successfully, but then when I went to check on it, it didn’t show up…
I thought that the keyword arguments support was in Ruby 1.8. I’m used
to coding Oracle PL/SQL, so it seems really natural to me.
I had seen the hash stuff, but those were all posts about 1.6.
Thanks everyone for the replies, I’ll keep going.
Jason Vogel wrote:
Okay, I have a couple of questions. If I use the Hash approach,
- How do I handle argument default values?
@hash = { key => arg, key => arg, … }
@hash[key] = arg # from initializer arguments
- How do I handle required vs. optional arguments?
Please explain. Ordinarily if a required argument is not provided, the
… wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
- Provide some sort of clue to the calling routines what the argument
“names” are?
Is this still a constructor for a class?
Perhaps it would be better, rather than asking a lot of hypothetical
questions, for you to say what you are trying to accomplish with your
- Is there a way to enumerate the valid choices for values (e.g. colors
= [red,white,blue])
Yes, but it is a bit involved.
Jason V. wrote:
Okay, I have a couple of questions. If I use the Hash approach,
- How do I handle argument default values?
- How do I handle required vs. optional arguments?
- Provide some sort of clue to the calling routines what the argument
“names” are?
- Is there a way to enumerate the valid choices for values (e.g. colors
= [red,white,blue])
You might find the “Method Arguments” section on page 332 in the Pickaxe
(2nd ed.) helpful, as it describes all the ways you can pass arguments
to a method.
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Jason Vogel wrote:
Okay, I have a couple of questions. If I use the Hash approach,
- How do I handle argument default values?
def the_method opts = { :arg => ‘default value’, :another_arg =>
‘default value too’ }
- How do I handle required vs. optional arguments?
def the_method opts = { :a => ‘default a’, :b => ‘default b’, :c =>
nil }
a = opts[:a] || opts['a'] # optional, they pass in
b = opts[:b] || opts['b'] or raise "no b!" # required
- Provide some sort of clue to the calling routines what the argument
“names” are?
def the_method opts = { :arg => ‘default value’, :another_arg =>
‘default value too’ }
- Is there a way to enumerate the valid choices for values (e.g. colors
= [red,white,blue])
def the_method opts = { :a => %w( a b c ).first, :b => %w( d e f
).first }
Joel VanderWerf wrote:
Not really, at least in 1.8. That sets the default for opts, not for
each of the named args.
This is one way to handle defaults for keyword args:
:x => 1,
:y => 2
def m opts = {}
opts = DEFAULTS.merge(opts)
p opts
m :x => 5 # ==> {:x=>5, :y=>2}
Note that #merge is non-destructive (unlike #update, aka #merge!), so it
doesn’t affect DEFAULTS.
[email protected] wrote:
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Jason Vogel wrote:
Okay, I have a couple of questions. If I use the Hash approach,
- How do I handle argument default values?
def the_method opts = { :arg => ‘default value’, :another_arg =>
‘default value too’ }
Not really, at least in 1.8. That sets the default for opts, not for
each of the named args.
def the_method opts = { :arg => ‘default value’, :another_arg =>
‘default value too’ }
p opts
the_method :arg => “qwe” # ==> {:arg=>“qwe”}
Note that the hash doesn’t retain the default value for :another_arg.
Has this changed in 1.9? Is there a way to set the defaults for keyword
- Is there a way to enumerate the valid choices for values (e.g. colors
= [red,white,blue])
def the_method opts = { :a => %w( a b c ).first, :b => %w( d e f
).first }
You know this gets evaluated every time you call the_method, right?
def m opts = { :foo => (puts “called m”) }; end
m; m
called m
called m
Anyway, this serves no purpose beyond documentation (it doesn’t
validate). Why not just put this info into the rdoc for the method?
On 11/29/06, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
‘default value too’ }
def m opts = {}
opts = DEFAULTS.merge(opts)
p opts
m :x => 5 # ==> {:x=>5, :y=>2}
Note that #merge is non-destructive (unlike #update, aka #merge!), so it
doesn’t affect DEFAULTS.
In most cases I think it is best if you define DEFAULTS inline, as in:
def m opts = {}
opts = {:x => 1,
:y => 2}.merge(opts)
p opts
That way it’s closer to the call and thus more self-documenting, and you
don’t have to worry about naming a bunch of constants in your class.
downside is you’re newing up a new defaults hash in every method call,
executing any contained statements.
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Ryan W. wrote:
downside is you’re newing up a new defaults hash in every method call, and
executing any contained statements.
if you like that style you may like this lib
Ryan W. wrote:
On 11/29/06, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
Joel VanderWerf wrote:
downside is you’re newing up a new defaults hash in every method call, and
executing any contained statements.
If you define default option hashes as constants, you can comment them
and they will appear in RDOC output. RDoc is even smart enough to try to
put the constant value (i.e. the defaults hash) in the doc.