Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'gr_top_block_sptr_connect'

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use a SSRP with GNU-radio. In the past, with version 3.1
of gnuradio and GRC 0.69, the SSRP worked.

Now I am using the latest version of GNU-radio from the svn trunk in
combination with swig 1.3.36 and python 2.6.
I have installed the ssrp-files into gnuradio and added the SSRP-block
to GRC. Loading the firmware into the SSRP is no problem but
when I want to run the flow-graph I get the following error:


ssrp: firmware /usr/share/ssrp/firmware/rxS_512.ihx loaded successfully.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/root/Desktop/top_block.py”, line 62, in
tb = top_block()
File “/root/Desktop/top_block.py”, line 52, in init
self.connect((self.ssrp_simple_source_x_0, 0),
(self.gr_interleaved_short_to_complex_0, 0))
“/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”, line
124, in connect
self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])
“/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”, line
130, in _connect
dst_block.basic_block(), dst_port)
line 1443, in connect
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_connect(*args)
NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block > *,gr_basic_block_sptr)
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block >


I have also tried to to use the old GRC (0.69) but that gives the same
error, so it has nothing to do with GRC.

Can anyone tell me the cause of this error. Is it because of the newer
version of swig or gnuradio?

Best regards,


I have seen this error before on a fedora 11 system, reproducible too.
you make clean, make, and make install your from your source, and try
it should go away. I have no idea why.

Also, I recommend using gnuradio 3.2 (or from the master) which comes
a way-newer version of grc.


I have followed the advise, but it did not work. I am working on Ubuntu
9.04 and use gnuradio 3.2.2.
The error only occurs when I use the SSRP. Other flow-graphs create no

Are there any other ideas about the cause.



NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block > *,gr_basic_block_sptr)
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block >

swig/python detected a memory leak of type ‘gr_basic_block_sptr *’, no
destructor found.


Van: Josh B. [[email protected]]
Verzonden: woensdag 2 december 2009 20:55
Aan: Johan Mussche
CC: [email protected]
Onderwerp: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Wrong number of arguments for
overloaded function ‘gr_top_block_sptr_connect’.

I have seen this error before on a fedora 11 system, reproducible too.
If you make clean, make, and make install your from your source, and try
again, it should go away. I have no idea why.

Also, I recommend using gnuradio 3.2 (or from the master) which comes
with a way-newer version of grc.


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Johan Mussche
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am trying to use a SSRP with GNU-radio. In the past, with version 3.1
of gnuradio and GRC 0.69, the SSRP worked.

Now I am using the latest version of GNU-radio from the svn trunk in
combination with swig 1.3.36 and python 2.6.
I have installed the ssrp-files into gnuradio and added the SSRP-block
to GRC. Loading the firmware into the SSRP is no problem but
when I want to run the flow-graph I get the following error:


ssrp: firmware /usr/share/ssrp/firmware/rxS_512.ihx loaded successfully.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/root/Desktop/top_block.py”, line 62, in
tb = top_block()
File “/root/Desktop/top_block.py”, line 52, in init
self.connect((self.ssrp_simple_source_x_0, 0),
(self.gr_interleaved_short_to_complex_0, 0))
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”,
line 124, in connect
self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”,
line 130, in _connect
dst_block.basic_block(), dst_port)
line 1443, in connect
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_connect(*args)
NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block > *,gr_basic_block_sptr)
connect(boost::shared_ptr< gr_top_block >


I have also tried to to use the old GRC (0.69) but that gives the same
error, so it has nothing to do with GRC.

Can anyone tell me the cause of this error. Is it because of the newer
version of swig or gnuradio?

Best regards,


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
[email protected]mailto:[email protected]

I have fixed this error by completely uninstalling GR and removing the
associated libraries (including libusrp, which it looks like you missed)
from the library directories as well as from the Python module include
directory. Then reinstall.


swig/python detected a memory leak of type ‘gr_basic_block_sptr *’, no destructor found.

I have installed the ssrp-files into gnuradio and added the SSRP-block to GRC. Loading the firmware into the SSRP is no problem but
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”, line 124, in connect

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