Writing a file to txt, how can I put a new line?

I would like to create an error log for a application I have made. Here
is my basic error log creator.

My question: How do I get each part of the array on a new line?

File::open( “Tal Creator Log” + “.txt”, “w” ) do |txt|
txt << “Finished Appending, the new files and a log is located in
txt << “________________ ISSUES __________________”

DNErep.reduce { |x| puts txt << x }
DNEtemp.reduce { |y| puts txt << y }


I looked on google and SO and didn’t find anything about the new line.

I appreciate all time spent and look forward to your answers.

You might want to look at puts. Or maybe one of the logging libraries
solve logging for you (more or less)

pat eyler wrote in post #1058996:

You might want to look at puts. Or maybe one of the logging libraries
solve logging for you (more or less)

Hi pat, thanks for getting back to me

The logger isn’t exactly what I’m looking for here… just a simple way
to list a few things in my array in a text file line by line instead of

I also tried
txt << puts line
txt << “#{puts “”}”
txt << “#{puts line}”

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Christopher D.
[email protected]wrote:

I also tried
txt << puts line
txt << “#{puts “”}”
txt << “#{puts line}”

puts is a method try calling it on your filehandle instead of a default
value. (It returns nil, so the three things you tried above won’t do
you want.)

You probably also learned something else about puts from what those
attempts did.

On 01/05/12 07:59, Christopher D. wrote:

I also tried
txt<< puts line
txt<< “#{puts “”}”
txt<< “#{puts line}”

Have you tried simply writing the whole array joined by carriage returns
to the file?

File.open(my_log_file, “w”) { |f|


Sam D. wrote in post #1059006:

On 01/05/12 07:59, Christopher D. wrote:

I also tried
txt<< puts line
txt<< “#{puts “”}”
txt<< “#{puts line}”

Have you tried simply writing the whole array joined by carriage returns
to the file?

File.open(my_log_file, “w”) { |f|


Actually just tried that and was going to write back with a solution.
can also append to the array like this:

DNErep.each { |x| txt << “\n#{x}” }

Appreciate the help