Kind All,
I wonder if one of you knowledgeble folks can steer me in he right
I’m trying to get a hash I’ve created read back in after after writing
it out to a file, so that it is exactly the same afterward. The hash
has zero-based integer keys and two-element array values.
After I create and populate the hash:
Length of histHash after creation = 5
When I write out the hash, the output to STDOUT looks like this:
Write histHash[0] = 101
Write histHash[1] = 112
Write histHash[2] = 123
Write histHash[3] = 134
Write histHash[4] = 145
5 histHash lines written
histHash written = 01011112212331344145
After I delete the elements of the hash:
Length of histHash after deletion = 0
But when I read it back in, it looks like this:
Read histHash[0] = 10; line = 10
Read histHash[1] = 1; line = 1
Read histHash[2] = 11; line = 11
Read histHash[3] = 2; line = 2
Read histHash[4] = 12; line = 12
Read histHash[5] = 3; line = 3
Read histHash[6] = 13; line = 13
Read histHash[7] = 4; line = 4
Read histHash[8] = 14; line = 14
Read histHash[9] = 5; line = 5
10 histHash lines read
histHash read = 5301061311742118143295412
Length of histHash after read = 10
As you can see, it’s length is five lines when I initially write it to
the file, but ten lines when I read it back in. I’ve been pawing though
the docs, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Any help will be
greatly appreciated.
Here is the errant code:
write out and then read in hash of two-element arrays
create and populate the hash
histHash =
histHash[0] = [10, 1]
histHash[1] = [11, 2]
histHash[2] = [12, 3]
histHash[3] = [13, 4]
histHash[4] = [14, 5]
puts “Length of histHash after creation = #{histHash.length}”
write the hash to the file
fileOut =“savedHash.sdo”, “w”)
histHash.length.times do |i|
puts “Write histHash[#{i}] = #{histHash[i]}”
puts “#{histHash.length} histHash lines written”
puts “histHash written = #{histHash}”
Delete the hist hash elements
histHash.length.times do |i|
puts “Length of histHash after deletion = #{histHash.length}”
load (read) the saved file
fileIn =“savedHash.sdo”, “r”)
i = 0
fileIn.each_line{|line|histHash[i]=[line.to_i]; puts “Read
histHash[#{i}] = #{histHash[i]}; line = #{line}”;i+=1}
puts “#{histHash.length} histHash lines read”
puts “histHash read = #{histHash}”
puts “Length of histHash after read = #{histHash.length}”