On Dienstag, 2008-April-1 07:35:50, Pranjal J. wrote:
I tried the method told by you , but sorry to say it is writing only
the last value in the excel sheet.
But to the all cells in the range, doesn’t it?
i = 0
until i > 15
puts a[i]
$worksheet.Range("a1:a16").value = a[i]
i += 1
Well, this code takes each of the 16 values, one after another,
and tells Excel to assign it to the range A1:A16.
When Excel gets one value for a range, it will write it
to all the cells in the range. So all your values are written,
thus only the last value remains.
However, you could try the following:
$worksheet.Range("a#{i+1}").value = a[i]
or (writing the loop more in ruby-style):
a.each_with_index do |val, i|
puts val
$worksheet.Range(“a#{i+1}”).value = val
or you can write the whole range in one go (that’s what I would do).
If the range is horizontal, this is trivial:
$worksheet.Range(“a1:p1”).value = a
In your case, the cells form (a piece of) a column,
so let’s create a column-array,
that is an array of one-element arrays:
$worksheet.Range(“a1:a16”).value = [a].transpose
Hope that helps.
PS: In case you are not aware of it,
your code cantains unnecessary things.
For example the line
a = Array.new
or the class definition.