I would like to write a copy of the current script being executed.
I’ve attempted to use FILE and $0, but neither is returning the
full path name of script. I get the file name, but not the path in
which it resides. Anyone have a quick solution?
def initialize
@script = $0 # Save where the script is from
puts “[#{@script}]”
returns “[AAN_StandardSetup.rb]”
The script being run is a process setup, where the operations people
fill in script parameters. The script then creates folder structures
and performs particular functions. I want to save a copy of the
script after the operations people have completed filling everything
in. It would be saved in one of the folders created by the execution
of the script. That’s my dilemma…I want to save it somewhere after
it has started executing.
Tips and suggestions are appreciated.
Is there a particular reason you are having the “operations people”
modify the script directly rather than having them modify a
configuration file of some kind that the script reads? If there is a
fixed set of parameters that need changed, reading them from a file is
cleaner (YAML would be a good choice, here) than modifying the script,
and then you can just copy the config file to an archive location when
you load it.
Other than that, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head
is having the script that is being edited not be the main script, but
instead be required by a wrapper script that uses SCRIPT_LINES__ to
capture the contents of the required file, and then archives it
On Feb 18, 10:58 am, Christopher D. [email protected] wrote:
instead be required by a wrapper script that uses SCRIPT_LINES__ to
def initialize
in. It would be saved in one of the folders created by the execution
of the script. That’s my dilemma…I want to save it somewhere after
it has started executing.
Tips and suggestions are appreciated.
It’s a dog chasing its tail. The script is a configuration file. And
the scripts job is to simplify the creation of the production folder
structure, copy an applications configuration file, update its
contents with user specified values and the folder structure
information, and then execute the application. Using the script
method was easier to implement. The operations people load the
script, change some values, press “F5” to execute the script, and
they’re done. The other scenario would involve them locating the
configuration file, updating it and saving it, going somewhere else
for the script, updating it and then running it.
I know it sounds piddly…but trust me. The operations people aren’t
developers. They’re not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The
company keeps pushing us to dumb things down so they can use less and
less skilled people to do the work.
On Feb 18, 1:07 pm, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
returns “[AAN_StandardSetup.rb]”
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407
I tried that. I got the dataset name and that’s it. Is it an O/S
Thanks, dvn
dkmd_nielsen wrote:
returns “[AAN_StandardSetup.rb]”
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407
I tried that. I got the dataset name and that’s it. Is it an O/S
What do you mean by dataset?
What OS are you using?
dkmd_nielsen wrote:
On Feb 18, 1:07 pm, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
returns “[AAN_StandardSetup.rb]”
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407
I tried that. I got the dataset name and that’s it. Is it an O/S
Let’s find out. mac osx 10.4.7:
puts File.expand_path(FILE)
puts File.expand_path($0)
Looking through The Ruby Way for something else, I ran into
something that could be used here. If you end the source of your
script with an END marker, you can call DATA.rewind (DATA is a
global constant IO object for the source file that starts out at a
position just after the END) and then access the source code of
through DATA.