bob hope [email protected] writes:
The goal is, with 4 random strings, to make a 4th random string that
xors to 0 for each row with the other strings.
I have no idea what you’re trying to accomplish, but here are some tips:
I don’t know how to concatenate with a number so that is why I make it
a string here.
Strings are the proper format for transferring and storing binary data.
You just have to work on them in chunks.
require “securerandom”
require “openssl”
a = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1_000_000).unpack(“B*”)[0]
b = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1_000_000).unpack(“B*”)[0]
c = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1_000_000).unpack(“B*”)[0]
d = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1_000_000).unpack(“B*”)[0]
SecureRandom.random_bytes returns a string with each byte containing
a random value from 0x00 to 0xff. You are converting each byte into
an 8-byte string representation of this number, which is incredibly
will return the string as an array of len
unsigned integers, which you
can then XOR without any more string conversions.
vsb = “”
100_000.times do |x|
Why 100,000 when you have created strings of 8,000,000 characters in
puts x
column = a[x].to_i ^ b[x].to_i ^ c[x].to_i ^ d[x].to_i ^ 0
This code actually XORs a single bit at a time.
If you have arrays of integers, you can XOR byte(s) at a time without
string conversions.
Also, n XOR 0 always returns n, so that part does nothing. If this is an
important part of your algorithm, I think you need to think this through
a bit longer.
case column
when 0
vsb << 0.to_s
vsb << 1.to_s
This is very circuitous. You already have the value 0 or 1, so just push
it onto vsb
puts vsb.to_i
Why does vsb need to be a number? Numbers larger than your CPU’s native
bit size are very inefficient to work with. Binary data should be passed
around as a string.
If I am understanding you, this is what you want: [1]
len = 1_000_000
a, b, c, d = { SecureRandom.random_bytes(len).unpack
‘L*’ }
(len/4) { |i| a[i] ^ b[i] ^ c[i] ^ d[i] }.pack ‘L*’
However, this is totally useless, since the input is random, and 4
random inputs XORed together are equivalent to a single random input.
If you’re planning on supplying your own data, this smells an awful lot
like home-rolled encryption, which is either admirable or horrifying
depending on your goal.
[1]: Note that I am chunking the string into 32-bit unsigned longs for