I really need to get RubyGems working on Windows. Versions 0.9.2,
0.9.4 and current trunk all fail. Can someone recommend a solution. Is
there an old version that I can install that’s sure to work?
I really need to get RubyGems working on Windows. Versions 0.9.2,
0.9.4 and current trunk all fail. Can someone recommend a solution. Is
there an old version that I can install that’s sure to work?
I use it all the time on XP
C:>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]
C:>gem -v
You should describe your issue a little more.
On Oct 1, 2007, at 10:43 , Trans wrote:
I really need to get RubyGems working on Windows. Versions 0.9.2,
0.9.4 and current trunk all fail. Can someone recommend a solution. Is
there an old version that I can install that’s sure to work?
I spent many hours with Curt H. getting the one-click installer’s
RubyGems working correctly. We were both satisfied by it when the
last one-click shipped.
Trans wrote:
With 0.9.4…
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe ERROR: While executing gem …
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.(SocketError)C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe -no-http-proxy
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `[]=’ for #Gem::ConfigFile:0x2e2ebc0With trunk:
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
c:/ruby/bin/gem.bat:19: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner
Something must be wrong with your Ruby or RubyGems install. I just
install the 1.8.6-25 one-click-installer in a virtual of XP and
everything worked fine. Here are the steps I followed.
Add c:\ruby\bin to the beginning of my PATH.
c:> gem up --system
(ran that twice)
c:>gem pristine --all
ERROR: While executing gem … (Zlib::BufError)
buffer error
(followed the fix here:
c:>gem pristine --all
(install ruby-1.8.6-p110-i386-mswin32.zip into c:\ruby)
c:>gem up -y (updates lots of win32 stuff)
C:>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-23 patchlevel 110) [i386-mswin32]
C:>gem -v
One last thing - I avoid using paths with spaces. You might double-check
that your PATH and all the *.BAT files in c:\ruby\bin do NOT have any
paths with spaces. It works better for me - might help you.
Good luck.
On Oct 1, 11:40 am, dima [email protected] wrote:
I use it all the time on XP
C:>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]C:>gem -v
0.9.4You should describe your issue a little more.
I described it in the “OneClickInstaller/RubyGems” thread. But I’ll
With 0.9.4…
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe ERROR: While executing gem …
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.(SocketError)
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe -no-http-proxy
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `[]=’ for #Gem::ConfigFile:0x2e2ebc0
With trunk:
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
c:/ruby/bin/gem.bat:19: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner
On Oct 1, 5:07 pm, Eric H. [email protected] wrote:
On Oct 1, 2007, at 10:43 , Trans wrote:
I really need to get RubyGems working on Windows. Versions 0.9.2,
0.9.4 and current trunk all fail. Can someone recommend a solution. Is
there an old version that I can install that’s sure to work?I spent many hours with Curt H. getting the one-click installer’s
RubyGems working correctly. We were both satisfied by it when the
last one-click shipped.
I don’t know what to tell you then. It’s not working for me. I just
removed everything and tried again. I downloaded the OneClickInstaller
from ruby-lang.org (http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/18566/
ruby186-25.exe). Installed it. And then did:
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.(SocketError)
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe --no-http-proxy
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `[]=’ for #Gem::ConfigFile:0x2df7864
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem --version
On Oct 1, 10:54 pm, Kevin W. [email protected] wrote:
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
Something must be wrong with your Ruby or RubyGems install. I just
install the 1.8.6-25 one-click-installer in a virtual of XP and
everything worked fine. Here are the steps I followed.Add c:\ruby\bin to the beginning of my PATH.
c:> gem up --system
(ran that twice)
I can’t get this far b/c of:
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem up --system
Updating RubyGems…
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.(SocketError)
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem up --system –
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `[]=’ for #Gem::ConfigFile:0x2df78f0
From what I gather this is a Firewall issue. But I have yet to find
anyone with a solution, though the problem mentioned enough (just do a
Google search on it). Most cases it’s people trying to install Rails,
so they just end up manually installing Rails instead. If it is a
Firewall issue shouldn’t be a simple a matter of opening up the right
port? What port is it?
On Oct 2, 9:22 am, Eric H. [email protected] wrote:
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
email with the information I’ve requested. I can not help you
without it.
Sorry. At the time I thought we had gotten past the proxy problem. I
replied as requested.
On Oct 2, 2007, at 08:03 , Trans wrote:
I don’t know what to tell you then. It’s not working for me. I just
removed everything and tried again. I downloaded the OneClickInstaller
from ruby-lang.org (http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/18566/
ruby186-25.exe). Installed it. And then did:C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.(SocketError)
I can not fix your inability to resolve the address of a hostname
with any change to RubyGems. I gave you a command to run that would
give me what you were trying to connect to in [ruby-talk:271292], and
you never responded with the output.
C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem install
rubyscript2exe --no-http-proxy
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `[]=’ for #Gem::ConfigFile:0x2df7864C:\Documents and Settings\Milton\My Documents\Tom>gem --version
I asked you if you were using a proxy server in [ruby-talk:271292]
and you never answered that question either.
I have tried to help you, but you have not responded to my requests
for information. Go back to [ruby-talk:271292] and reply to that
email with the information I’ve requested. I can not help you
without it.
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