I want to ask if anybody can help us implementing a Workflow
Controller for Ruby on Rails?
We are provider of a open source workflow engine based on JEE
specification. The engine is licensed under GPL and is very easy to
use. Similar to ruby on rails you have not to worry about the
datamodel. You can store any kind of data in so called “workitems”. in
a declarative way you can define a business process using a eclipse
based workflow modeler. So you got an easy to use workflow component
to implement a human based business process (workflow). (a short
tutorial which explains this better you can found here:
In addition to the datamodel concept of ruby on rails each dataset
(workitem) is secured by individual read- and writeaccess which can be
also modeled declarative by the workflowmodel.
So every thing seems to by nice, but if you want to implement a web
application you should do this also in JEE like Java Server Faces
(JSF) or Faclets. And this is always a long hard way. I read about
ruby on rails and I am fascinated about the concept how easy it is to
build a web application.
What I am looking for is a new controller (I think it is the
controller?) which interact with the Imixs JEE Worklfow Service
instead of a SQL based data model generated by ruby on rails.
Is anybody interested to implement such a workflow controller for ruby
on rails?
I am a java/jee developer and I think it take to much time for me to
implement this in ruby. But I would help as far as I can because I
think this would be a interesting new component for building workfow
applications with ruby on rails.
All the functionality of the JEE Component is accessible during two
webservices and we have implemented also a Ajax component which also
uses this service.
We have a description of the service here:
And also a documentation of our ajax client here:
which can be a better starting point as the JEE Project itself which
is very technical focusing on JEE stuff.
Please let me know if anybody would like to help us.
best regards