Work with MySQL database

Hi there,
I’m new in RoR and I would like to ask you for help, how to check if
the MySQL database works. I installed MySQL database with gem following:

sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql –

And everything went ok, no error or warning message.

But now - I don’t know, how to fast check that the MySQL database is
installed ok - exist any command to terminal for this? Or any tutorial,
how to check it?

For PHP exist for manage of MySQL database PHPMyAdmin - exist something
similar for Ror? I found rbDB, but it looks that the project is death…

Thank you a lot for your time. :slight_smile:
[I’m working with terminal in Mac OS x]

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 5:12 AM, Manny 777 [email protected] wrote:

what you are asking is actually 3 questions.
If you are on a mac, then just use sequel pro to admin mysql.
As for using mysql with ruby, mysql2 gem is better than mysql gem.
Read the documentation on mysql2 gem.

Andrew McElroy

Previous respondent is right about mysql2 gem. To get a yes/no answer
whether the setup is valid and works with Rails, I would do it like

assuming you’ve got Rails 3 installed

sudo gem install mysql2
rails new test_app -d mysql
cd test_app
ruby -i.bak -pe ‘gsub(/password:/, "password: ")’
rake db:create
rails dbconsole

Enter your MYSQL ROOT PASSWORD string when prompted, and if you get a
prompt, you’re good.

There’s probably a way to do this in fewer keystrokes, but this will
definitely tell you whether you’re OK within a minute or so.

Manny 777 wrote in post #982624:

But now - I don’t know, how to fast check that the MySQL database is
installed ok - exist any command to terminal for this? Or any tutorial,
how to check it?

For PHP exist for manage of MySQL database PHPMyAdmin - exist something
similar for Ror? I found rbDB, but it looks that the project is death…

For GUI management of MySQL I use Querious (

but for a quick test via Ruby GEM, I use the following little ruby test

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require ‘mysql’

db_name = “mysql”
sql =“”, “root”, “”, “#{db_name}”)
tables = sql.query(“show tables from #{db_name}”)

table_names = []
tables.each do |table_specs|
table_names << table_specs[0]

p table_names

– gw

Hi guys,
thanks a lot for your replies. I tried to install mysql2, but I get
this messages:

Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Successfully installed mysql2-0.2.6
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mysql2-0.2.6…

Enclosing class/module ‘mMysql2’ for class Client not known

Enclosing class/module ‘mMysql2’ for class Result not known
Installing RDoc documentation for mysql2-0.2.6…

Enclosing class/module ‘mMysql2’ for class Client not known

Enclosing class/module ‘mMysql2’ for class Result not known

Google said me about "Enclosing class… ", that I must need theh
command, which posted Frederic
(macos - rails server fails to start with mysql2 using rvm & ruby 1.9.2-p0 on OSX 10.6.5 - Stack Overflow

  • second post)

But if I try that command, I am getting this error:

install_name_tool: can’t open file:
(No such file or directory)

How to continue with configuration Ror and Mysql now? It’s like a
enchanted ring - the problem rotate other problem…

PS: Querious looks fine!