Work proposition

I’m looking for someone to develop the intranet of the company where I

  • database providers
  • database clients
  • PO management (client/provides)
  • quotes
  • pricing system
  • billing
  • drop box huge files
  • delivery system (zip files)

all these multi company, 4 levels of access admin/seller/accounting/

If someone can help us (we pay these service)

or someone knows a project manager already made, so we can develop
these application under GLP.

I have experience in Rails I prefer to speak spanish or italian but i
can try to speak in english.


Hi, Sergio:

Where are you located? Also, I wouldn’t recommend writing this from
nothing. I would use something already written for accounting and
then wrap around it. xTuple, better know as PostBooks is open source
using PostGre SQL. You can wrap Rails around this.
