With streaming on, closed client connections cause Fatal Broken Pipe errors

Once we turned streaming on on www.songkick.com, we started getting
errors on production quite a bit. (See below)

It appears that if the client closes the connection during the rendering
the template, the next attempt to write a portion of the page to the
connection will fail with a Broken Pipe error, understandably. Rails
catches this and turns it into a ActionView::Template::Error.

So these are benign errors, but I’d like to stop them happening or

  1. Where can we register a handler in Rails (3.2) to process template
  2. Should the StreamingTemplateRenderer be catching these broken pipe
    errors and suppressing them, perhaps with a “Request Aborted” log line?


Error follows:

FATAL skweb( Rails::ActionController): ActionView::Template::Error
(Broken pipe):

44:     <%= shared_component('site_header', @page.site_header) %>

45:     <%= shared_component(@page.site_navigation.component_name,

@page.site_navigation) %>

46:     <div id="page">

47:       <%= yield %>

48:     </div>

49:     <%= shared_component('footer', :static) %>

50:     <!-- after footer -->


`block in http_response_write’

`block in each’

`block in each’


safe_concat' /home/dan/dev/skweb/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:47:in _app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__3293108995857455051_100497760’

`block in render’



`block (2 levels) in delayed_render’