Wishing of reactive programming in ruby

ruby integrates power of functional programming from lisp , purest OO
from smalltalk, prototype oriented power from self etc etc into one
single language

i just was wondering that whether the heavy developers/users of
reactive languages like kanaputs or reactive-C etc will ever get
reactive features in ruby.

in kanaputs, If the variable ‘c’ is defined as c = a + b; and if the
reactivity of ‘c’ is set (c.reactive = true;), then each time the
value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

bye :slight_smile:
[email protected].

On Aug 17, 7:34 am, ashishwave [email protected] wrote:

value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

That’s interesting --a form of rational programming (like Prolog).

But I think it is far outside the scope of Ruby’s design.


in kanaputs, If the variable ‘c’ is defined as c = a + b; and if the
reactivity of ‘c’ is set (c.reactive = true;), then each time the
value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

That’s interesting --a form of rational programming (like Prolog).

But I think it is far outside the scope of Ruby’s design.

I’m about to go home. Damn.

I’ve been very interested in reactive programming for about 10 years,
although I’ve never heard of it reffered to as such. The Empirical
Modelling group at Warwick University did a lot of work on it in a
language called EDEN. They called it Definative Programming (think
reactive is a much better name, as it happens).

It’s entirely possible to build a library in an imperative language that
will provide reactive programming capabilities. I’ve previsouly used a
similar idea for a GUI application in C++, and it made implementation of
pretty complex change propagation very easy.

My recent thinking is that reactive programming shares a great deal with
software transactional memory, and could share a lot of infrastructure.

Something the Empirical Modelling group at Warwick found was that
Reactive Programming is also very useful for making systems that are
composable. They could often take a few models they’d built, and easily
combine them, make a few other changes, and come up with a new useful
model. This is curious because composability is also a strong advantage
of STM.

My personal opinion is that reactive programming is the pattern for
building any kind of interactive software (ie - something that doesn’t
just process a batch of data, but reacts to user initiated changes to
its state, or changes from an external system). As an approach, it’s got
a lot of overlap with:

Model View Controller pattern and Observer, etc,
Spreadsheet change propagation,
Database Triggers and propagation.

Basically, you just don’t need to think about the complexity that’s
caused by propagating changes through a program. It really is pretty
dramatically cool :slight_smile:


On 8/17/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

reactive features in ruby.
I’m about to go home. Damn.
pretty complex change propagation very easy.

Basically, you just don’t need to think about the complexity that’s
caused by propagating changes through a program. It really is pretty
dramatically cool :slight_smile:


I’m well aware and very respectful of the respect that many informed
have for STM, but in my experience it’s challenging to implement and
maintain in the real world.

I’ve always been a partisan of loosely-coupled systems that use
messaging. I’m still hopeful that such a thing will come to Ruby. (This
fact was precisely the reason that the EventMachine library was
and it’s still on the roadmap.)

I’m not a mathematician so I can’t prove this, but I have a hunch that
of these approaches are equivalent in some deep sense, and the practical
considerations should drive the choice. (The exception of course is
distributed object models.)

On Aug 17, 2007, at 11:44 AM, Francis C. wrote:

I’ve always been a partisan of loosely-coupled systems that use
messaging. I’m still hopeful that such a thing will come to Ruby.

Are you aware of the Omnibus Concurrency Library?


(This in fact was precisely the reason that the EventMachine
library was developed, and it’s still on the roadmap.)

To someone like me who has been looking at Erlang recently, this is
very interesting. Can you share and of your plans for how
EventMachine might evolve into this? I’m just curious.

James Edward G. II

On 17.08.2007 18:44, Dan Z. wrote:

def c; @a+@b; end

Then you could pretend c was a variable. To reset the value, just
redefine c().

I guess there is one major drawback of your approach: it will break as
soon as systems grow to a reasonable size because whenever you access a
variable you have to reevaluate the complete formula. I guess any
implementation that offers reasonable performance will have to do some
kind of dependency tracking and caching of current values.

The interesting question is how could this be done in Ruby so it’s
nicely integrated or a clean DSL? For seamless integration you would
have to be able to redefine (or hook into) variable access (which would
be a nice feature btw). You also would need enhanced code inspection in
order to be able to determine what other variables a variable depends

It would be simpler if all variables were methods, not
instance variables. If you wanted, you could write a wrapper for that,
so that set_reactive(“c”, “a + b”) or set_reactive(“c=a+b”) would wrab a
call to class_eval or instance_eval that defined the method as “def c;
a() + b(); end”. If you did this, however, you could never set a, b, or
c by simple assignment.

Yep. Interesting topic nevertheless.

Kind regards


ashishwave wrote:

bye :slight_smile:
[email protected].

I haven’t used reactive languages, but can’t this be emulated by using
methods and instance variables?
To emulate:
c = a+b; c.reactive = true
def c; @a+@b; end

Then you could pretend c was a variable. To reset the value, just
redefine c(). It would be simpler if all variables were methods, not
instance variables. If you wanted, you could write a wrapper for that,
so that set_reactive(“c”, “a + b”) or set_reactive(“c=a+b”) would wrab a
call to class_eval or instance_eval that defined the method as “def c;
a() + b(); end”. If you did this, however, you could never set a, b, or
c by simple assignment.

A big problem might be parsing the input. I could elaborate on some
suggestions. (I wrote code that converts standard arithmatic notation to
reverse polish notation, which is very easy to evaluate. You could also
do a simpler scheme like not allowing more than one operation.) Let me
know if you are interested. And let me know if I’m not grasping reactive
programming correctly–I’ve never used it.


Francis C. wrote:

Yes, I took a close look at the Erlang concurrency verbs (spawn, and the
verbs for sending messages to Erlang “processes”) and I sketched out an
implementation of them above the standard EventMachine. I’d like to use
Stomp for message-passing across “processes” that are in different OS-level
processes or on different machines. When this gets done, current plans are
to release it as EventMachine version 0.9.0.

Any ideas, counterarguments, or offers to help?

Well, I’ll certainly offer to test it. :slight_smile:

On 8/17/07, James Edward G. II [email protected] wrote:

(This in fact was precisely the reason that the EventMachine
library was developed, and it’s still on the roadmap.)

To someone like me who has been looking at Erlang recently, this is
very interesting. Can you share and of your plans for how
EventMachine might evolve into this? I’m just curious.

Yes, I took a close look at the Erlang concurrency verbs (spawn, and the
verbs for sending messages to Erlang “processes”) and I sketched out an
implementation of them above the standard EventMachine. I’d like to use
Stomp for message-passing across “processes” that are in different
processes or on different machines. When this gets done, current plans
to release it as EventMachine version 0.9.0.

Any ideas, counterarguments, or offers to help?

[email protected] wrote:

I’m about to go home. Damn.
They called it Definative Programming (think
reactive is a much better name, as it happens).

A strongly related, but possibly even more advanced technique is called
Constraint Logic Programming, CLP. It’s been around since around 1981
or earlier. Doing it with real numbers (so-called CLP/R) has a lot of
hardcore difficulties, but it’s being used in high-end architectural
design packages, for example. In such tools, the formula for the size
of a beam required to span two walls and support a particular load is
dynamically recalculated as you vary the wall spacing, just to give you
an idea of why you might want such a language.

Clifford H…

On Aug 17, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Clifford H. wrote:

design packages, for example. In such tools, the formula for the size
of a beam required to span two walls and support a particular load is
dynamically recalculated as you vary the wall spacing, just to give
an idea of why you might want such a language.

Clifford H…

You will probably find this interesting: http://www.flapjax-lang.org/

– Ezra Z.
– Founder & Ruby Hacker
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)

in kanaputs, If the variable ‘c’ is defined as c = a + b; and if the
reactivity of ‘c’ is set (c.reactive = true;), then each time the
value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

In a simple and slow implementation you can just put expression in a
string, and eval it everytime the value is needed.

mfg, simon … l


I’ve always been a partisan of loosely-coupled systems that use
messaging. I’m still hopeful that such a thing will come to Ruby. (This
fact was precisely the reason that the EventMachine library was
and it’s still on the roadmap.)

If you’ve got some links you could share about idempotent messaging, I’d
like to read them. The hits I’m getting seem to be about interprocess
protocol, rather than an approach that you’d also use intraprocess.

On 8/17/07, ashishwave [email protected] wrote:

value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

Cells: a dataflow extension to CLOS is an interesting common lisp
project in that area


ashishwave wrote:

ruby integrates power of functional programming from lisp , purest OO
from smalltalk, prototype oriented power from self etc etc into one
single language

i just was wondering that whether the heavy developers/users of
reactive languages like kanaputs or reactive-C etc will ever get
reactive features in ruby.

in kanaputs, If the variable ‘c’ is defined as c = a + b; and if the
reactivity of ‘c’ is set (c.reactive = true;), then each time the
value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

bye :slight_smile:
[email protected].

Not the same, probably rather slow, but hey:

class Expression < BlankSlate
def initialize(&expression)
@expression = expression

def method_missing(*a, &b)
@expression.call.send(*a, &b)

a = 1
b = 2
c = Expression.new { a + b }
c + 3 # => 6
a = 5
c + 3 #Â => 10

Have fun :wink:


ashishwave wrote:

value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

bye :slight_smile:
[email protected].

I think this may give you some ideas. A Reactive object
has a number of reactive objects it depends on as well
as a block to calculate it’s own value. The self value
is calculated lazily and cached. It is only recalculated
when an object it depends on set’s it’s dirty flag
by calling notify.

class Reactive

# On change of value dependants are notified
# of updates
def value=(val)
   @depends.each do |d|

# Add d as a listener
def notify_me d
   @depends << d

# Get the cached value unless the
# dirty flag has been set then
# recalc the value from the block
def value
   if @block && @dirty
      argv = []
      @args.each do |a|
         if a.respond_to? :value
            argv << a.value
            argv << a
      @value = @block.call *argv

# Notify this object that at
# least one dependant has changed.
def notify

# Init the class with the dependant
# reative variables and a block to
# evaluate to compute the value
# of this object.
def initialize *args, &block
   @depends = []
   if block_given?
      @args = args
      @block = block
      @args.each do |a|
         a.notify_me self
      # This is a literal
      @value = *args


a = Reactive.new(10)
b = Reactive.new(20)
c = Reactive.new a,b do |_a,_b|
_a + _b
d = Reactive.new b,c do |_b,_c|
_b + _c

vars = {:a=>a,:b=>b,:c=>c,:d=>d}

vars.each do |k,v|
puts “#{k} #{v.value}”

puts “------------------”

a.value = 40
vars.each do |k,v|
puts “#{k} #{v.value}”

Output is

:!ruby reactive.rb
c 30
d 50
a 10
b 20

ashishwave [email protected] writes:

value of ‘a’ or ‘b’ changes then the value of ‘c’ is updated as the
result of the addition

bye :slight_smile:
[email protected].

Half-way done ideas wrt that, inspired by flapjax. No warranty.

$ cat /Users/chris/mess//2006/49/frp.rb

require ‘/Users/chris/projects/blogcode/dynamic.rb’

Thread.abort_on_exception = true

Dynamic.variable :current_calc

class Var
def initialize(value=nil)
@affects = []
@value = value

def set!(v)
@value = v

def ~
@affects << Dynamic.current_calc if Dynamic.current_calc

def propagate
@affects.each { |a| a.call }

def map(init=nil, &block)
new = Var.new init
Calc.new { new.set! block.call(~self) }

def inject(initial, &block)
a = initial
map { |e| a = block.call a, e }

def constant(const)
map { const }

def hold(initial, &block)
map(initial) { block.call }

def filter(&block)
new = Var.new
Calc.new {
this = ~self
if block.call this
new.set! this

def merge(other)
new = Var.new
Calc.new { new.set! ~self }
Calc.new { new.set! ~other }

def calm(window, &block)
last = Time.now
merge(Timer.for(window)).filter {
p [:calm, last, Time.now]
r = (Time.now - last) > window
last = Time.now

class Calc < Proc
attr_reader :timers

def initialize(&block)
@timers = {}

Dynamic.let :current_calc => self do


class Timer
attr_reader :var

def self.for(period)
if Dynamic.current_calc.nil?
Dynamic.current_calc.timers.fetch(period) {
Dynamic.current_calc.timers[period] = new(period)

def initialize(period)
@period = period
@var = Var.new Time.now.to_f

Thread.new {
  loop {
    p "sleeping for #@period"
    sleep @period
    @var.set! Time.now.to_f


x = Var.new 5

Calc.new { p ["at time ", ~Timer.for(0.1), "x is ", ~x] }

Calc.new { p ["x is ", ~x] }

y = x.map { |z| z * 2 }

Calc.new { p [“y is now”, ~y] }

sum = x.inject(0) { |a,e| a + e }

Calc.new { p [“sum is now”, ~sum] }

Timer.for(5).map { p “tick!” }

x.calm(2).map(false) { |v| p “no input for 2 secs!” }

Timer.for(10).merge(x).map { p “either 10s or x” }

x.set! 7

while line = gets.to_i
x.set! line
p ["set to ", ~x]