Anyone else heading to WInnComm’11 Europe, June 22-24? I’m a presenter,
and am trying to find reasonably priced accommodations – “The Hotel”
has a special for this conference of EU 179 - 259 (currently US$ 260 -
376) per night, before taxes & such but including breakfast & wifi,
which is a bit rich. Splitting a room with others might be an option to
bring down the price, as might staying elsewhere. Anyway, I’m trying to
think out of the box, and wondering if anyone else is going & what
they’re thinking. Thanks! - MLD
On 05/07/2011 03:23 PM, Michael D. wrote:
Anyone else heading to WInnComm’11 Europe, June 22-24? I’m a presenter, and am
trying to find reasonably priced accommodations – “The Hotel” has a special for
this conference of EU 179 - 259 (currently US$ 260 - 376) per night, before taxes&
such but including breakfast& wifi, which is a bit rich. Splitting a room with
others might be an option to bring down the price, as might staying elsewhere.
Anyway, I’m trying to think out of the box, and wondering if anyone else is going&
what they’re thinking. Thanks! - MLD
I’ll be there. Yes, the conference hotel is ridiculous.
I have a reservation at:
It is a smaller hotel near the Grand Place. I stayed there during FOSDEM
and the breakfast and wifi were OK. The room was seriously small, but
the price is much better. If someone has any better ideas I can cancel
the reservation.
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 00:05, Philip B. [email protected]
I’ll be there too.
I booked a room in Residence Agenda ( with for 300 Euro for 4 nights for 2 persons. It should be
close to the place (at least the map tells me so), but I think I took
the last room there.
Alexander C…