Windows build problems

Hello all,
I am trying to build a windows version of gnuradio for a friend. I have
gnuradio running on my Fedora 16 and Unbuntu 12.04 machines with no know
problems. I have most all of the necessary packages built and installed
for the build using cygwin. However; Boost1_49_0 ,while having built
without any problems, is not found by cmake. What I did was define
BOOST_PREFIX as /opt/boost_1_49_0. This installed boost in
the /opt/boost_1_49_0 by doing
sudo ./b2 --prefix=$BOOST_PREFIX --with-thread --with-date_time
–with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-system
–layout=versioned threading=multi variant=release install

That Done Boost was installed in /opt/boost_1_49_0

I then define BOOST_PREFIX=/opt/boost_1_49_0 again.

then switch to gnuradio build-dir and do.
$BOOST_PREFIX/include/boost-1_49/ -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=

My cmake repeatedly says “Could not find Boost”
Thus nothing really gets built. I am pretty sure this is some kind of
PATH problem. I have added all of the boost directories to my PATH
statement and still no joy.
Anyone have any ideas?
Don Epand

My cmake repeatedly says “Could not find Boost”
Thus nothing really gets built. I am pretty sure this is some kind of
PATH problem. I have added all of the boost directories to my PATH
statement and still no joy.
Anyone have any ideas?
Don Epand

You might want to trace through FindBoost.cmake and see where its
getting confused. Here is a somewhat relevant posting on the topic:

Cygwin is probably not the best way to get gnuradio working in all its
glory on windows (maybe the gui toolkit support has gotten better?). You
may really have an easier time with MSVC in terms of getting working

ALso, you may find these pre-built installers for windows useful:
