Hello all,
I am trying to build a windows version of gnuradio for a friend. I have
gnuradio running on my Fedora 16 and Unbuntu 12.04 machines with no know
problems. I have most all of the necessary packages built and installed
for the build using cygwin. However; Boost1_49_0 ,while having built
without any problems, is not found by cmake. What I did was define
BOOST_PREFIX as /opt/boost_1_49_0. This installed boost in
the /opt/boost_1_49_0 by doing
sudo ./b2 --prefix=$BOOST_PREFIX --with-thread --with-date_time
–with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-system
–layout=versioned threading=multi variant=release install
That Done Boost was installed in /opt/boost_1_49_0
I then define BOOST_PREFIX=/opt/boost_1_49_0 again.
then switch to gnuradio build-dir and do.
$BOOST_PREFIX/include/boost-1_49/ -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=
My cmake repeatedly says “Could not find Boost”
Thus nothing really gets built. I am pretty sure this is some kind of
PATH problem. I have added all of the boost directories to my PATH
statement and still no joy.
Anyone have any ideas?
Don Epand