Win32console 1.3.0 Released

win32console version 1.3.0 has been released!

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal
thru an OO-interface. This allows you to query the terminal (find
its size, characters, attributes, etc). The interface and functionality
should be identical to Perl’s counterpart.

A port of Perl’s Win32::Console and Win32::Console::ANSI modules.

This gem packages Gonzalo G.'s Win32::Console project, and
a compiled binary for speed. The Win32::Console project’s home can be
found at:


1.3.0 / 2007-03-14

  • Enhancements

    • Works with Ruby 1.9
    • Usage of Hoe and rake-compiler to ease releasing and extension
    • Redirect STDERR to be processed also for ANSI codes. Closes GH-4
    • Allow ECHO to be displayed [jloveces]
  • Bugfixes

    • Properly catch coloring when using autospec in Ruby 1.9
      Closes GH-3
  • Known issues:

    • win32console no longer automatically translate encoding to the
      output enconding. Please use Iconv to convert from your encoding
      (eg. UTF8)
      to current console output:

      current_cp = Win32::Console::OutputCP()
      Iconv.iconv(“cp#{current_cp}”, “utf-8”, utf_string)

      A working example can be seen here: Test upcoming win32console gem with auto codepage adjustment · GitHub

Luis L. wrote:

win32console version 1.3.0 has been released!


  • Known issues:
    • win32console no longer automatically translate encoding to the console
      output enconding.

Just curious, why not?



On Mar 15, 2:37 am, Daniel B. [email protected] wrote:

Luis L. wrote:

  • Known issues:
    • win32console no longer automatically translate encoding to the console
      output enconding.

Just curious, why not?

The hardcoded codepage translation were removed as these included
binary data not compatible with 1.9.

Due the nature of 1.9, performing regular expression matches for ANSI
escape codes between encoding was expensive.

So there is no magic Iconv happening and instead allowed the developer
control it.
