i have a theoretical question… i need search functionality sort of
like Mac OSX spotlight. i was considering using ActsAsTaggable and
programmatically replacing the tags for a given object every time it is
saved. basically i would just dump all of the column values into tags.
i don’t want dangling tags left in the tags table when objects are
changed or deleted. is this possible? what problems might i run into
with this?
On 06 Oct 2006, at 07:25, [email protected] wrote:
i have a theoretical question… i need search functionality sort of
like Mac OSX spotlight. i was considering using ActsAsTaggable and
programmatically replacing the tags for a given object every time
it is
saved. basically i would just dump all of the column values into tags.
i don’t want dangling tags left in the tags table when objects are
changed or deleted. is this possible? what problems might i run into
with this?
Your main problem will be performance. On top of that, you’re
duplicating a lot of data. If you want a performant model-wide
search, you should look into a fulltext indexing engine like Ferret
(Ruby version of Lucene) and the acts_as_ferret plugin. There are a
few other fulltext search engines out there. Using such a plugin will
also give you some extra features such as fuzzy searches (cfr.
google’s “Did you mean…”) and inclusion/exclusion (cfr. google’s
“+iwantthis -butnotthis”) and quite a lot of other very interesting
Best regards
Peter De Berdt