Hello. I’m working very hard to build projects > photo_albums > Photos
But am Stuck on being able to implement it.
Desired User Flow…
#1 - User clicks their project
#2 - User sees a list of photo albums
#3 - Users clicks a Photo Album
#4 - User see a list of photos in the album
#5 - User views the clicked photo BUT has will_paginate showing in
the nav for all the albums photos and will_paginate is defaulted to
the page number of the photo the user clicked
Controllers Based on the Flow Above:
#2 - PhotoAlbum Index
#4 - PhotoAlbum Show
#5 - Photo Show
resources :spaces do
resources :photo_albums
resources :photos
Does this sound right? Bec I haven’t been able to get this working,
and the code is getting ugly