Will_paginate issue


I am trying paginate (will_paginate) users posts. It is counting and
showing the page links correctly, but still showing all the posts on one

@entries = @user.entries.paginate :per_page => 5, :page =>
params[:page], :order => ‘created_at DESC’

If I change it to @entries = Entry.paginate :per_page => 5 …
It is fine, but I would like to show only given users posts.

Thx, pete

On Nov 27, 11:30 am, Petan C. [email protected]

It is fine, but I would like to show only given users posts.

Is your entries association funny in any way ?


Frederick C. wrote:

Is your entries association funny in any way ?

Hi Fred,
thanks. I have users and entries controller. In my show controller
(mydomain.com/profile/:username), I am using <% for entry in
@user.entries %> to show user posts. I dont know, if it is funny in any
way or not. :).

def show
@entry = Entry.new
username = params[:username]
@user = User.find_by_username(username)
@entries = @user.entries.paginate :per_page => 3, :page =>
params[:page], :order => ‘created_at DESC’

def show
@entry = Entry.find_by_id_and_user_id(params[:id], params[:user_id],
:include => [:user, [:comments => :user]])


That’s not what I meant. What I meant was does it have any interesting
options on it that might confuse will paginate ?


No, its just a plain text and thats it. It is a simple sideblog
(user_id,body,created_at).Could it be problem, that I am using data from
entries controller in User controller? Cheers, Pete

On Nov 28, 8:23 am, Petan C. [email protected]

Frederick C. wrote:

Is your entries association funny in any way ?

Hi Fred,
thanks. I have users and entries controller. In my show controller
(mydomain.com/profile/:username), I am using <% for entry in
@user.entries %> to show user posts. I dont know, if it is funny in any
way or not. :).

That’s not what I meant. What I meant was does it have any interesting
options on it that might confuse will paginate ?


If you actually have that line in your view you’ll be ignoring the
pagination stuff completely, since @entries is the thing with the
limited collection


Hi Fred,

all right, thanks. I’ve just tried to render the posts as collections of
partials. <%= render :partial => ‘user_posts’, :collection =>
@user.entries %>

But it is still the same. Is there another way to show only the users
posts and then be able to paginate them? THX

On Nov 28, 1:04 pm, Petan C. [email protected]

@user.entries %>
no. you need :collection => @entries (assuming that in your controller
you’ve done @entries = @user.entries.paginate

On Nov 28, 10:15 am, Petan C. [email protected]

That’s not what I meant. What I meant was does it have any interesting
options on it that might confuse will paginate ?


No, its just a plain text and thats it. It is a simple sideblog
That’s not what I meant. I was thinking of things like
custom :finder_sql and so on

Could it be problem, that I am using data from
entries controller in User controller?

You mentionned

I am using <% for entry in
@user.entries %> to show user posts. I dont know, if it is funny in any
way or not. :).

If you actually have that line in your view you’ll be ignoring the
pagination stuff completely, since @entries is the thing with the
limited collection
