Last time I did this dance, i2 was the all around best choice for a
Ruby wiki that was available.
Have things changed?
My priorities are in order:
- Must run on TextDrive. (Most options should fit this one, right?)
- Usability / Stability. Don’t want it to blow up
- Ease of install
- Ability to make it look pretty
- General l33tn355
This will be for the GoRuCo attendees wiki, incase anyone is wondering.
From: “Gregory B.” [email protected]
- Ease of install
- Ability to make it look pretty
- General l33tn355
I haven’t tried many other ruby wikis, but I just installed
…and it seems to be a pretty nice one.
As for ease of install, it was very easy, with just one quirk:
In the start.rb file that it generated for me:
require ‘rubygems’
gem ‘Soks’, ‘~> 1.0.3’
$ ‘Loaded Soks from gem’
require ‘soks’ # ← I had to add this line and I don’t know why
For some reason, just requiring the gem was not enough to
cause soks.rb to be loaded. I looked at the gemspec and it
appeared to specify the correct auto-require and lib dirs,
so I’m not sure why it didn’t work as expected.
But apart from having to add that explicit “require ‘soks’” line,
everything has gone smoothly so far.
Bill K. wrote:
From: “Gregory B.” [email protected]
- Ease of install
- Ability to make it look pretty
- General l33tn355
I haven’t tried many other ruby wikis, but I just installed
…and it seems to be a pretty nice one.
As for ease of install, it was very easy, with just one quirk:
In the start.rb file that it generated for me:
require ‘rubygems’
gem ‘Soks’, ‘~> 1.0.3’
$ ‘Loaded Soks from gem’
require ‘soks’ # ← I had to add this line and I don’t know why
For some reason, just requiring the gem was not enough to
cause soks.rb to be loaded. I looked at the gemspec and it
appeared to specify the correct auto-require and lib dirs,
so I’m not sure why it didn’t work as expected.
The ‘gem’ statement merely states what gems should be used. It does not
do any requiring, auto or not.
– Jim W.
On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 at 03:34:58AM +0900, Gregory B. wrote:
- Ability to make it look pretty
- General l33tn355
This will be for the GoRuCo attendees wiki, incase anyone is wondering.
I haven’t played with it much yet, but have you given junebug a try yet?