Wig-Wug Simulator

I have started a Wig-Wug (therubyist.com)
simulator and thrown it on github
(GitHub - JEG2/wig-wug: An unofficial simulator for the first homework assignment (August issue) in The Rubyist.
). It probably still has issues, but it may be of interest to others
playing with the problem. It includes a map and a digger class I
wrote that does badly on that map. Enjoy.

James Edward G. II

On Aug 14, 9:19 pm, James G. [email protected] wrote:

On Aug 14, 9:19 pm, James G. [email protected] wrote:

I have started a Wig-Wug (therubyist.com)
simulator and thrown it on github (GitHub - JEG2/wig-wug: An unofficial simulator for the first homework assignment (August issue) in The Rubyist.
). It probably still has issues, but it may be of interest to others
playing with the problem. It includes a map and a digger class I
wrote that does badly on that map. Enjoy.

James Edward G. II

Sorry for the empty message. Hit send WAY too early.

I mean to send this patch, which lets your game server not crash if a
player ends up on the edge of the map:


  return 'E' if x == -1 || y == -1 || x == @width || y == @height


On Aug 15, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Chris S. wrote:

I mean to send this patch, which lets your game server not crash if a
player ends up on the edge of the map:


 return 'E' if x == -1 || y == -1 || x == @width || y == @height

Interesting. Is this a patch to Map#[]? I wouldn’t think it would be
needed, due to lines 46-50 of game.rb. Am I missing something?

James Edward G. II

On Aug 15, 2:20 pm, James G. [email protected] wrote:

Interesting. Is this a patch to Map#[]? I wouldn’t think it would be
needed, due to lines 46-50 of game.rb. Am I missing something?

James Edward G. II

Yes. That was for Map#[]. But taking that out and going back to
game.rb, I added “pp surrounding” after surrounding gets settled, and
you can see that there’s something up:

$ ./bin/wig-wug -w 2 -h 2 ~/Desktop/bots/digger.rb [15:06:44]
Surprise: Starts at x=1, y=0.

Turn 1
[[“E”, “E”, “E”], [“F”, “P”, nil], [“O”, “R”, nil]]
Surprise: (down) Reached the ruby.

Result: Surprise won.

I think the issue is that Comparable#between? includes both endpoints,
so if a bot is on the bottom edge of the map, the Map ends up asking
for points not on the map. And those will be nil if the player’s on
the right edge, and will raise a NoMethodError for nil[] if it’s on
the bottom edge.

Subtracting one from width and height when they appear as arguments to
#between? on line 46 of game.rb should actually take care of it better
than what I suggested earlier.

Or am I missing something now?


On Aug 15, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Chris S. wrote:

playing with the problem. It includes a map and a digger class I
game.rb, I added “pp surrounding” after surrounding gets settled, and

than what I suggested earlier.

Or am I missing something now?

I think you are exactly right. I’ve committed the fix. Thanks!

James Edward G. II