Wierd NomethodError


I have my source here : https://github.com/roelof1967/tamara

When I do cucumber I get this error message :
Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak” #
undefined method messages' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:28:in /^he should see
features/login.feature:6:in `Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak”’

Which I find wierd because I have a method messages made in my class


On 3 November 2012 20:43, roelof [email protected] wrote:

  features/login.feature:6:in `Then he should see "Welcome, Aslak"'

Which I find wierd because I have a method messages made in my class Output.

You have the messages method, but the error is saying that the object
you are calling it on is nil. So on the line that is calling
something.messages then the something is nil. You have to work out
why it is nil.


On Saturday, 3 November 2012 16:43:19 UTC-4, roelof wrote:

features/login.feature:6:in `Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak”’

Which I find wierd because I have a method messages made in my class

I don’t see where you’re initializing @output anywhere in that file -
going to be hard to call methods on an uninitialized instance

–Matt J.

The only thing I can think of is that output is not created.
But that cannot be the reason because there is a function create which
contains Ouput.new which is the same as Output.create.


Op zaterdag 3 november 2012 21:59:16 UTC+1 schreef Colin L. het


Im initializing that file here :

def output
@output ||= Output.new

in the class Output.


Op maandag 5 november 2012 00:52:22 UTC+1 schreef Matt J. het

On 4 November 2012 12:03, Roelof W. [email protected] wrote:

Please don’t top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread.

The error message can be found here : https://gist.github.com/4008123
And the relevant code can be found here :


That is a different error message to the one you originally posted.

What is the line
messages << message
supposed to do. What is the variable messages?

Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging, it will show you
techniques that you can use to debug your code and work out what is
going wrong.


On 4 November 2012 17:45, Roelof W. [email protected] wrote:

Message come from here.

Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak”

Then /^he should see “(.*?)”$/ do |message|
@output.messages.should include (message)

I have no idea what you are saying now. Is this a different problem?
If so then again post the error message and the relevant code. Just
put the code inline here unless it is long, it is easier to comment
here than if you have put it somewhere else. You only need to post
the relevant 10 or 20 lines.


PS Just send it to the list, no need to copy me.

Op zondag 4 november 2012 18:52:46 UTC+1 schreef Colin L. het volgende:


I have no idea what you are saying now. Is this a different problem?
If so then again post the error message and the relevant code. Just
put the code inline here unless it is long, it is easier to comment
here than if you have put it somewhere else. You only need to post
the relevant 10 or 20 lines.


No I try to answer where message is coming from.
Message is as I understand from the step-definition and should include
text “Welcome asLak”


Op zondag 4 november 2012 13:44:57 UTC+1 schreef Colin L. het volgende:

contains Ouput.new which is the same as Output.create.

That is a different error message to the one you originally posted.

What is the line
messages << message
supposed to do. What is the variable messages?

The variable messages is a array containing the all the messages.
The variable message does contain the message.
I took this part of the Rspec book.

Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging, it will show you
techniques that you can use to debug your code and work out what is
going wrong.

I will look into it and hope I can find a solution to this problem.

On 4 November 2012 18:46, roelof [email protected] wrote:

@output.messages.should include (message)

No I try to answer where message is coming from.
Message is as I understand from the step-definition and should include the
text “Welcome asLak”

Sorry, you still have not explained the problem. Explain what is
happening, what should be happening, and show us the code that should
do what you expect. Without that information we can do nothing.

You are still sending a copy to me by the way, which is undesirable.


when you call @output.messages.should include (message)
@output is nil

call (@output ||= Output.new).messages.should include (message)

Op zondag 4 november 2012 21:25:15 UTC+1 schreef Colin L. het volgende:

Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak”


No I try to answer where message is coming from.
Message is as I understand from the step-definition and should include
text “Welcome asLak”

Sorry, you still have not explained the problem. Explain what is

What happen is that I see the error message.

what should be happening

What schould be happen is that the message “Welcome Aslak” is being seen
the user Aslak is loggin in succesfull.

, and show us the code that should
do what you expect.

I will give you the cucumber code.

Scenario: log in as existing user
Given a user “[email protected]” exists
When he logs in
Then he should see “Welcome, Aslak”

step-definition part :

class Output
def messages
@messages ||= []
def puts(message)
messages << message
def output
@output ||= Output.new

Then /^he should see “(.*?)”$/ do |message|
@output.messages.should include (message)


On 4 November 2012 20:40, roelof [email protected] wrote:

the relevant 10 or 20 lines.

Given a user “[email protected]” exists
def puts(message)
messages << message

It is difficult to help if you don’t read and try to understand the
attempts to help you. As I have said before you have not initialised
the local variable messages. You have initialised the class instance
variable @messages, but that is not the same variable.

In addition I have asked twice if not three times that you do not send
me personally a copy of your emails. Just send it to the list please,
I do not need two copies.


Op maandag 5 november 2012 15:34:05 UTC+1 schreef addagger het volgende:

when you call @output.messages.should include (message)
@output is nil

call (@output ||= Output.new).messages.should include (message)

That worked but can you explain what this does ?


get instance variable @output, and when its nil assigns an object

Class for output should have been:

class Output
def messages
@messages ||= []
def puts(message)
messages << message

def output
@output ||= Output.new

On Monday, 5 November 2012 01:40:06 UTC-5, roelof wrote:

This method doesn’t make any sense - you need to create an Output
to call it on, then it creates an Output instance. I’d suggest you
review a
good Ruby reference to sort out your understanding of how objects work.

More to the point, what is the Output class supposed to DO? Your
step seemed to be expecting that messages would be sent to an Output
object, but I don’t see any indication of how that was supposed to

–Matt J.

–Matt J.