Why remove strip_tags() function in rails 2.0.2

why remove strip_tags() function in rails 2.0.2. and in rails1.2.6 I
used this function. and how can I solve this problem?

OnRails wrote:

why remove strip_tags() function in rails 2.0.2. and in rails1.2.6 I
used this function. and how can I solve this problem?

On 9 Jan 2008, at 20:36, Jeremy Weiskotten wrote:

OnRails wrote:

why remove strip_tags() function in rails 2.0.2. and in rails1.2.6 I
used this function. and how can I solve this problem?

Don’t use strip_tags, strip_links and sanitize - Ruby on Rails Security Project
Except of course that in rails 2 strip_tags, strip_links, sanitize
have been reeimplemented using a white list approach and so they
should be safe again
