Why my Ajax request is performed 3 times?

I wrote in my view :


  • @category.showcases.each do |showcase|
    %a{‘data-remote’ => ‘true’, :href => “#{showcase_url(showcase)}”}
    .showcaseSelector{:style => “border-color: #{showcase ==
    @selected_showcase ? ‘black’ : ‘transparent’}; background-color:

which generate the following html : ( seems correct , 2 links with
colored boxes

when I click on a link , I can see 3 requests in my console ( and 3
times the show action executed … )
GET http://localhost:3000/showcases/21 200, OK
GET http://localhost:3000/showcases/21 200, OK
GET http://localhost:3000/showcases/21 200, OK

I don’t where stating to check for an error… any clue ?

thanks for your feedback

I changed the helm/html code as it might not be standard to put a din
inside an tag , but same issue Ajax GET request sent 3 times

  • @category.showcases.each do |showcase|
    .showcaseSelector{:style => “border-color: #{showcase ==
    @selected_showcase ? ‘black’ : ‘transparent’}; background-color:
    = link_to ‘’, showcase_url(showcase), :remote => true

i suppose that with data-remote you are letting the buildin ujs handle
everything but this js is build to be used with link_to so what i think
that the event is been triggered 3 times because that js is effectively
attaching the event 3 times, so either use link_to or handle the click
your self, is not hard at all

$("#shocases a").clikc(function(){
console.log(“cogito ergo google”);

you can send aja with this

type: ‘get’,
url : $(this).attr(‘href’),
success: function(){
alert(“Annoying message”);

$(this) will be the clicked link