Hi List,
I’m currently investigating some possibilities for deplyong my Rails
I developed it on Windows XP, but I thought I should give linux a run
I expected some performance benefit, but not of this level.
See the table for the measurments, all taken from the log by clicking
5 times on the same method.
PC = old pc, Athlon xp 1800, 512 MB, 7200 rmp HD, Win XP
Laptop-WinXP = Intel Centrino 1.5Ghz, 512MB, 4200 rmp HD, Win XP
Laptop-Ubuntu = same laptop, but now with Ubuntu 7.04 Beta
All tests were run in development mode, with webrick 1.3.1, mysql
configured just the same:
(first test)
0,27 0,5 0,12
0,24 0,49 0,09
0,95 0,26 0,09
0,25 0,68 0,88
1,14 0,28 0,2
(second test)
0,72 0,43 0,29
0,61 0,43 0,14
1,28 0,25 0,25
0,41 0,57 0,25
0,83 0,3 0,13
Can anyone explain me why Rails or Ruby is that much faster on ubuntu?