Why is my record readonly=>true?


I have something very order to create my object

def review
@bit = Bit.find(:first,
:select => “bits.*,subjects.id as sid,
subjects.name,gaps.id as gid, gaps.gap”,
:joins => “left join (subjects,gaps) on
(bits.subject_id = subjects.id and bits.gap_id = gaps.id)”,
:conditions => “bits.status=‘a’ and
next_review <= CURDATE()”,
:order => “gap,next_review,subject_id,bits.id”)

But when I try to save it rails complains that it is read-only. this
is true, I can see that from the @bit.inspect I put in my view. But
what is the cause?

Any help, much appreciated.


But when I try to save it rails complains that it is read-only. this
is true, I can see that from the @bit.inspect I put in my view. But
what is the cause?

From the ‘find’ RDocs

":joins: An SQL fragment for additional joins like “LEFT JOIN comments
ON comments.post_id = id”. (Rarely needed). The records will be returned
read-only since they will have attributes that do not correspond to the
tableâ??s columns. Pass :readonly => false to override. "


Thank you. that got it working.
