Why dose my server load the page slowly?

Hi, i’m currently running nginx and FastCGI for PHP on a small VPS. When
i have about 20/50 users online, my sites takes a long time to load, and
my load avarages go up. (11.49)

My current VPS is 250Mhz, 256MB ram and 5GB disk space.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

2011/6/20 linuxthefish [email protected]:

Hi, i’m currently running nginx and FastCGI for PHP on a small VPS. When
i have about 20/50 users online, my sites takes a long time to load, and
my load avarages go up. (11.49)

we’re all glad to know that …

please ask a question and give details to help us answering it

On 20/06/2011 00:50, linuxthefish wrote:

Hi, i’m currently running nginx and FastCGI for PHP on a small VPS. When
i have about 20/50 users online, my sites takes a long time to load, and
my load avarages go up. (11.49)

My current VPS is 250Mhz, 256MB ram and 5GB disk space.

Posted at Nginx Forum:
Why dose my server load the page slowly?

Hard to say. Your VPS is short of some resource that it needs.

This could be RAM, CPU power, network speed, disk-IO, a poor choice in
some set up, or starvation caused by another site on the same host

Most likely a shortage of RAM. 250MB is really tiny. If RAM is too
small, the machine will be paging to disk and bringing the pages back,
which is very slow.

You can control RAM size (and not much else on a VPS). Try increasing it
to 500MB.

