I have this simple named_scope that returns all Events after a given
named_scope :recent_by_id, lambda {|id| {
:conditions => [‘id > ?’, id], :order => ‘id ASC’
The problem is that named_scope returns a query with an order by
clause containing created_at first:
ORDER BY created_at DESC, id ASC
How do I get named_scope to ignore the created_at and simply give me a
query sorted by id?
Yes this should work… maybe the other have an idea.
I have a tip though (it doesn’t answer your question):
separate that into two named scopes: recent and by_id so that you can
do Model.recent(id).by_id
More flexible.
Ramon T.
I just created a super simple prototype app to test this out:
I created a Post model:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :recent_by_id, lambda { |id| {
:conditions => [‘id > ?’, id], :order => ‘id ASC’ } }
$ ./script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.1)
posts = Post.recent_by_id(1)
Development Log:
SELECT * FROM “posts” WHERE (id > 1) ORDER BY id ASC
Are you sure you are not including the :order somewhere else? This seems
to work as expected.
Matt C. wrote:
I have this simple named_scope that returns all Events after a given
named_scope :recent_by_id, lambda {|id| {
:conditions => [‘id > ?’, id], :order => ‘id ASC’
The problem is that named_scope returns a query with an order by
clause containing created_at first:
ORDER BY created_at DESC, id ASC
How do I get named_scope to ignore the created_at and simply give me a
query sorted by id?