Why can I here sum numbers

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I have a method that takes a unlimited number of integers and adds them all together .

So I did this :

def sum (*numbers)
   numbers.each do |n|
      sum += n if n.is_a? Integer

but when I run it I see this error message :

block in sum': undefined method+’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from each' fromsum’
from `

why do I get a nilClass there. As far as I know this is a normal
way to add things up.


The ‘sum’ variable needs to be initialized or else it takes the value of
nil. So in the line ‘sum += n’, sum is nil. You can solve this by
sum = 0 at the beginning of the method.

Yup, you need sum to be defined. Use inject to do just that

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Jeremy Axelrod
[email protected]

block in sum': undefined method +’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Augusts B.

Creative MobileKronvalda bulvaris 10, Riga**office: 00371 67227747
mobile: 00371 29957771
www.creo.mobi http://www.creo.mobi/


That is solved,
But now I have this test :

Test.assert_equals(6, sum (1,2,3) )

And I see this error :

-e:10: syntax error, unexpected ( arg, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '(' Test.assert_equals(6, sum (1,2,3) )


Jeremy Axelrod schreef op 20-11-2014 8:31:
The 'sum' variable needs to be initialized or else it takes the value of nil. So in the line 'sum += n', sum is nil. You can solve this by setting sum = 0 at the beginning of the method.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Roelof W. <[email protected]> wrote:

I have a method that takes a unlimited number of integers and adds them all together .

So I did this :

def sum 
   numbers.each do |n|
      sum += n if n.is_a? Integer

but when I run it I see this error message :

block in sum': undefined method +’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from each' from sum’
from `


why do I get a nilClass there. As far as I know this is a
normal way to add things up.


What if you put a number in the array?

Sent from my phone

Accidental submit…

As I started… use Inject

def sum (*numbers)
numbers.inject {|sum, n| sum + n }

Inject initialises an empty (zero) receptacle for aggregated data for

More at Jay Fields' Thoughts: Ruby: inject

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Roelof W. [email protected] wrote:

Test.assert_equals(6, sum (1,2,3) )

why do I get a nilClass there. As far as I know this is a normal way to
add things up.


Augusts B.

Creative MobileKronvalda bulvaris 10, Riga**office: 00371 67227747
mobile: 00371 29957771
www.creo.mobi http://www.creo.mobi/

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Jeremy Axelrod
[email protected] wrote:

What if you put a number in the array?

In the method you cannot know whether there are numbers in the
Enumerable passed to the method.

Kind regards


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Augusts B. [email protected]

As I started… use Inject

def sum (*numbers)
numbers.inject {|sum, n| sum + n }

Inject initialises an empty (zero) receptacle for aggregated data for you.

No. Your approach is broken because

irb(main):001:0> [].inject {|sum, n| sum + n }
=> nil

More at Jay Fields' Thoughts: Ruby: inject

That has it correct in the first example. You need to pass in the
neutral element of the operation:

irb(main):002:0> [].inject(0) {|sum, n| sum + n }
=> 0



Robert K. schreef op 20-11-2014 9:28:

Can I have a answer to my question why the test is failing ??


May be the space between sum and (1,2,3) is throwing error.
Try this
Test.assert_equals(6, sum(1,2,3) )

I would recommend the “inject” approach here. The reason why you are
getting nilClass and the error “undefined method `+’ for nil:NilClass”
because in the block, you are trying to call the “+” method on the “sum”
object which is essentially nil. A way to avoid this error is by
defining a
variable “sum” outside the block and setting it to 0.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Jeremy Axelrod
[email protected]

What is the result of “puts sum(1, 2, 3).inspect”?

If the result is “[1, 2, 3]”, then you should return sum variable at
the end of sum method like below, but I recommend to use inject method.

def sum (*numbers)

sum = 0

numbers.each do |n|

sum += n if n.is_a? Integer




2014년 11월 20일 목요일, Roelof W.[email protected]님이 작성한 메시지:

How about this?

def sum(*num)

num.sum{|a| a.is_a?(*Integer*) ? a : *0*}


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Robert K.
[email protected]

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:46 AM, 홍철주 [email protected] wrote:

What is the result of “puts sum(1, 2, 3).inspect”?

What is the sound of one hand clapping. Sorry, your sentence just
triggered an association with me. :slight_smile:

If the result is “[1, 2, 3]”, then you should return sum variable at the end
of sum method like below, but I recommend to use inject method.

def sum (*numbers)
sum = 0
numbers.each do |n|
sum += n if n.is_a? Integer

I would omit the test because coercing takes care of type conversions.
If at all, I’d use #to_int but not the type test.

So that would still give

def sum(*numbers)
inject(0) {|s,x| s+x}


def sum(*numbers)
inject(0) {|s,x| s+x.to_int}

Roelof, the space before (1,2,3) is the issue.

Kind regards


Robert K. schreef op 20-11-2014 10:21:
inject(0) {|s,x| 


I tried the inject way?? like this :

def sum (*numbers)
???? sum.inject(0) {|sum,nummer| sum + nummer}

with this test :

Test.assert_equals(6, sum(1,2,3) )

and now I see this error : -e:3: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)


naming is important
you have a function ‘sum’ with a variable ‘sum’
the interpreter is calling the function where you expect it to use the

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Chris H. [email protected]

naming is important
you have a function ‘sum’ with a variable ‘sum’
the interpreter is calling the function where you expect it to use the

He is simply invoking #inject on the wrong object (i.e. result of
recursively invoking sum).



Since we’re playing:

def sum(*args)
args.inject {|a,b| a+b } or 0

Also works on strings.

Robert K. schreef op 20-11-2014 15:59:



I had to do numbers.inject

One other problem.
The method schould reject everything which is not a integer.
numbers.inject gives a error if you do sum (1,“a”, 2)


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Roelof W. [email protected] wrote:

I had to do numbers.inject


One other problem.
The method schould reject everything which is not a integer.
numbers.inject gives a error if you do sum (1,“a”, 2)

Well, then it does reject non numbers. Generally I probably would
not add a test to that method that simply skips non numbers. Let each
method do one thing properly. If you need filtering you can always do
the filtering before the call.


Btw, I would declare the interface of the method like this:

def sum(numbers)

i.e. use a single Enumerable. I think that is more flexible because
you can pass in an Enumerator which can be used to delegate the
filtering to the iteration (and not have to do it upfront and convert
to an Array like is needed with *numbers):

irb(main):004:0> def sum(n) n.inject(0){|s,x|s+x} end
=> nil
irb(main):005:0> sum([1,2,“foo”].to_enum(:grep, Integer))
=> 3

Kind regards
