Without to know the actual URL of the server it is not possible to check
that, also you are missing what kind of error you get, so I can only
that your certificate is for www.example.com and doesn’t include example
com without www.
Am 31.10.2012 08:20 schrieb “Grant” [email protected]:
Is your server configured to host in SSL mode? It’s not just a matter of
changing the URL in the browser, you have to have configured the server to listen
on port 443, purchase and configure a security certificate in Apache or Nginx, and
you have to configure Rails to serve in secure mode. For this last part, I really
like the rack-ssl Gem.
Since it already works for one https-URL and not for the other one, I
suggest that it is set up everythin to work with SSL, but the
certificate is on the wrong URL (www.example.com instead of example.com + Subdomains)
2012/10/31 Walter Lee D. [email protected]:
Since it already works for one https-URL and not for the other one, I
suggest that it is set up everythin to work with SSL, but the
certificate is on the wrong URL (www.example.com instead of example.com + Subdomains)
DigiCert has a nice explanation of this issue here:
confirm the ssl error and then can goto the actual site.
Who can tell me how can resolve it?
Is your server configured to host in SSL mode? It’s not just a matter of
changing the URL in the browser, you have to have configured the server
to listen on port 443, purchase and configure a security certificate in
Apache or Nginx, and you have to configure Rails to serve in secure
mode. For this last part, I really like the rack-ssl Gem.
Norbet is correct. You need to purchase a wildcard certificate to cover
mutiple host names. if you purchased the cert for www.example.com, it
only good for that name. If you want to host mutiple names with the
certificate (provided they are in the same domain) you need to purchase
special certificate called a wild card certificate. This would cover xxx.example.com, yyy.exmple.com, example.com, etc.
Norbet is correct. You need to purchase a wildcard certificate to cover
mutiple host names. if you purchased the cert for www.example.com, it
only good for that name. If you want to host mutiple names with the
certificate (provided they are in the same domain) you need to purchase
special certificate called a wild card certificate. This would cover xxx.example.com, yyy.exmple.com, example.com, etc.
As explained in the link I provided in an earlier reply, you don’t
necessarily have to use a wildcard certificate. It is possible to
instead use the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field in a regular
(non-wildcard) certificate.
The difference with using SAN is that you are specifying only the names
you want to be valid for the certificate (e.g. www.example.com and example.com). This certificate would not match xxx.example.com or yyy.example.com as a wildcard certificate would.