I’ve often wanted what I’m about to describe.
Some history about me, so you know this isn’t a complete noob question:
I understand separation of concerns and encapsulation quite well (at
least, I think I do). I’ve been programming in object oriented languages
for most of my life (I’m 37, and I started SmallTalk when I was 17).
I’ve programmed in most languages: SmallTalk, Java, Ruby, forth, Python,
C/C++, BASIC, VisualBasic, ASM, LISP (common, scheme, racket),
JavaScript, Self, bit of Haskell, Erlang etc., etc.
Context here is object-oriented message sending:
class Person
attr_accessor :mood
def say_hi_to(someone)
puts “hiya”
class Nerd < Person
likes inside, dislikes outside
class Jock < Person
likes outside, dislikes inside
class Socialite < Person
doesn’t care in or outside, but only likes places where people are
interacting socially
class Place
attr_accessor :inside, :social, :bookish
def initialize(&block)
if block
class Playground < Place
def intiialize(&block)
self.inside = false
self.social = true
self.bookish = false
def Library < Place
def initialize(&block)
self.inside = true
self.social = false
self.bookish = true
def Field < Place
def initialize(&block)
self.inside = false
self.social = false
self.bookish = false
field = Field.new {
julian = Nerd.new
dave = Jock.new
greginsky = Socialite.new
So what I’m interested in, when an object sends a message to another
object, why is there no context-sensitivity? In other words, (all
judgements aside as this is just a trivial example), I’d like the nerd
to be defined as a person who dislikes outside areas, therefore behaves
according to his mood when he’s outside perhaps.
Instantiating a Nerd inside a FIeld… or messaging him with the say_hi
type message should be able to bear some context on what that nerd’s
reply is. I’m not stipulating a tight coupling of context to object, I
like decoupled contexts, and I like interfaces, but just like the
mechanism of introspection, it’d be useful and nice to be able to garner
some information about the calling context, especially if (and this is
my real beef) the calling context WANTS TO GIVE THE INFORMATION. The
obvious solution is simply to change the interface so it contributes a
variable which passes across this information, but versioning interfaces
is a complete pain - I’d like to have a common object (called caller,
possibly) that I could query from within a method without the caller
having to pass through “self” every single time. Thus we could then
apply some duck typing in the callee side and get it to ask some
questions of its context before responding to messages.
Am I missing some obvious design considerations here?
I guess I’m talking more about language design than language usage, so
there might be a better place to discuss this. Comments?