Hello everybody,
In my quest to conquer the world, I’m looking for information on how
to get in touch with MySQL/Ruby gem author.
I’m aware that “mysql” gem is a wrapper around tmtm C extension:
And that this project is published here:
The problem with these releases is the lack of RubyGems packages and
even worse, the lack of Windows native gems.
I’ve worked on this and published a blog post about newer gems based
on 2.8.1 codebase:
Will love get those integrated and published properly to RubyForge.
If you’re the author of mysql gem published on RubyForge, please
contact me over this mailing list or directly to luislavena at gmail
dot com.
Thank you.
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 02:58:06PM +0900, Luis L. wrote:
Will love get those integrated and published properly to RubyForge.
If you’re the author of mysql gem published on RubyForge, please
contact me over this mailing list or directly to luislavena at gmail
dot com.
Did you try emailing the author listed at the bottom of the page, TOMITA
Masahiro ([email protected])?
On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Luis L. [email protected]
If you’re the author of mysql gem published on RubyForge, please
contact me over this mailing list or directly to luislavena at gmail
dot com.
I’ve been curious how the mysql gem comes about as well. At least one
the mirrors on RubyForge installs a version called 2.7pre2 or something
which has a nasty habit of completely hosing RubyGems.
On Jul 27, 6:15 pm, Aaron P. [email protected]
And that this project is published here:
Will love get those integrated and published properly to RubyForge.
If you’re the author of mysql gem published on RubyForge, please
contact me over this mailing list or directly to luislavena at gmail
dot com.
Did you try emailing the author listed at the bottom of the page, TOMITA
Masahiro ([email protected])?
TOMITA is the author of MySQL/Ruby bindings, but not the gem Author.
I after posting this I think I found that Kevin W. is the gem
Going to get in touch with him to work out a solution for the updated
On Jul 27, 6:49 pm, Tony A. [email protected] wrote:
You got bite by that too. Let me know what are your results using
“mysql” from here?
gem install mysql --source http://gems.rubyforge.org
Should be exactly the same as the extension, but works with 1.9 and
automatically detects mysql configuration (so is a plus over the
original plain extension).