Whitestone 1.0.1, a unit testing library, was released on 2012-01-02.
update, 1.0.2, improves the implementation of float-equality testing,
especially regarding numbers near zero. As it stands, floats are
equal if their 14th significant figure is off by one. There is no
for specifying a tolerance: it is supposed to just work, and if it
then it’s a bug.
Key features of Whitestone include terse testing code, colorful and
helpful output, custom assertions, a powerful and intuitive test
runner, simple debugger integration. The homepage explains and
demonstrates it well.
Here are the assertion methods:
T – assert true
F – assert false
N – assert object is nil
Eq – assert two objects are equal
Mt – assert string matches regular expression
Id – assert two objects are identical (same object)
E – assert error is raised
Ko – assert an object is kind_of a class/module
Ft – assert two floats are essentially equal
C – assert object is thrown
Homepage: http://gsinclair.github.com/whitestone.html
Code: GitHub - gsinclair/whitestone: Simple and succinct unit testing (Ruby)
Licence: MIT